Moving the timeline would both keep vulnerable incumbent Democrats off the campaign trail and, McConnell thinks, deliver a crushing blow to liberal morale just before the elections.
I disagree. This would piss us off even more, causing us to vote come hell or high Republican shenanigans. Do it, Bitch.
Works for me. Kavanaugh hearings on the eve of the mid-terms will crystallize the consequences of Republican control of the Congress and drive even more Dems to the polls. Mitch’s antennae are usually more reliable than this; this is a pretty tone-deaf decision.
Unless, of course, it’s a feint.
Please, please don’t throw us into the brier patch, Senator.
Ask SCOTUS Justice Garland about “historic obstruction”…
Wait, McTurtle is mad about Dems delaying until they might get control of at least one chamber??
So, he’s mad that they’re using his own tactic on him???!!!???
How very hypocritical of him…
Absolutely. If he wants to turbo-activate OUR base, that’d do it.
Considering the entirely valid questions about the legitimacy of this “president,” McConnell’s arguments against Garland take on even greater force against any candidate nominated by Trump. Sure, let’s wait until October for the vote on Kavanagh. Pretty good chance Mueller will have more indictments by then, including some directing implicating the clown in the WH.
I really wish we could sweep Yertle up in the Mueller trash-takeout, but, sadly, it’s only a pipe dream.
Republicans are accusing them of “historic obstruction.”
Apparently he’s all but forgotten the last six years of the Obama administration. “Historic obstruction” indeed at that time. This effort is more along the lines of chickens coming home to roost.
Here’s the list of D’s on J Comm:
Feinstein, Dianne (CA), Ranking Member
Leahy, Patrick J. (VT)
Durbin, Richard J. (IL)
Whitehouse, Sheldon (RI)
Klobuchar, Amy (MN)
Coons, Christopher A. (DE)
Blumenthal, Richard (CT)
Hirono, Mazie K. (HI)
Booker, Cory A. (NJ)
Harris, Kamala D. (CA)
None of them are in trouble. Cruz, on the other hand, is facing a real campaign in Texas.
I hope he does it. And when the house flips, may a thousand subpoenas bloom. What did McConnell know and when did he know it?
Everyone points to Trump as a destroyer of Democracy
I have the #1 candidate right here .He has done more damage to the country than Trump has dreamed about.
Trump is Turtles useful idiot
McConnell is reportedly getting increasingly irritated by what he sees as a Democratic attempt to do what he did to Obama SCOTUS nominee Judge Garland.
You spelled Republican wrong
No one is ever angrier at the unfairness of it all than a thief getting robbed.
If there’s anyone that I’d love to grab by the jowls and whip around a room it’s Turtle McFuckFace.
So pushing hearings back 1 month is historic obstruction according to the man who stole Obama’s SCOTUS pick with a year long delay? The fact he can do any of this whining with a straight face is hilarious while also infuriating.