Discussion: McConnell Shows His Cards: I Hope Trump Will Sign Bipartisan Border Bill

Mock Turtle sticks its neck out, but only momentarily and tentatively. Mock Turtle senses a threat.


What is this bs – a game show?? “I hope”… he already knows, idiot in the white house I “may sign” I feel like we are living in a damn game show – what’s the behind door number 2.

They have NO idea how this crap puts the entire country on edge - especially those folks whose paychecks might disappear again. Evil is too nice a word for these idiots.


This really isn’t much of a reveal.

McConnell saying “If necessary, we will schedule a veto override vote for Friday night” would be an actual reveal.


He’ll sign it, promptly claim victory over the House Dems and then declare a national emergency anyway figuring he was just given a leg-up on how much money he has to find.


This. I think we keep forgetting that Vlad is one of the primary drivers of this madness and we do so at our peril…


Please, Mitch. Don’t try to bluff your way out of this. Donald will decide what to do when he decides who looks the weakest. Neither of them are ever going to look anything but stupid.

Besides, the cat is out of the bag about how those who live along the border feel about the wall. Nothing Congress can come up with for border security will ever be as lame or weak as a wall. Now the nation knows it, too. Don’t conservatives have something better do than fence with a mad king?

Maybe they should try to please their Christian Right hypocrite base by passing a Senate bill making it illegal for anyone to ever extend charity to a stranger…you know, just like Jesus said we must always do?


Sorry McTurtle you’re still a spineless sorry excuse for a human.

“McConnell sending Trump a clear signal is significant.” Yeah there’s been definitely 2 years of that bullshit.


Best point of the day. Never keep your eye off the real threat. It’s almost like the media is fooled every time into chasing red herrings. Those communist dictators from cold countries sure like their dead fish.


Trumps got Ann and Sean on speed dial…PANIC…

So, to continue with “The Godfather” references … when is Fredo, err, Trump going to go fishing? [ I mean this euphemistically, if any Trump worshiping, troglodytes read this and wanna go all World Daily News] Or fox News would work I guess.






Humpty Dumpty sat on a Wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great Fall. all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again. amen

That being said, McConnell has a notorious hatred of shutdowns and has been eager to see a solution from the bipartisan group.

And if he doesn’t sounds like he and Schumer would whip the votes for an override. :smirk:

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If so then we are both very, very bad. :smile:

What I also find gives me schadenfreude is that McConnell is now experiencing the consequences of creating a whacked base which is no longer in their control. :smiling_imp: With any luck they will also help the the GOP slide into regional party at best. #consequences

Cc @playitagainrowlf @spaceranger


McConnell has a notorious hatred of shutdowns

He hates shutdowns, but not enough to have said or done anything to avoid the longest shutdown in history, including permitting votes on a bill that may have overridden Trump’s veto.

So, just to recap:

Things Mitch McConnell Hates

  1. Democracy
  2. Allowing Trump to be revealed as an unhinged baby with an impossible fetish
  3. Shutdowns

What makes you think that?

(Asking for a friend who is in the market for some national elections…)

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Well they are sitting out the presidential race (supposedly): https://politicalwire.com/2019/01/24/koch-network-will-sit-out-presidential-race/

But I imagine that could spread if the GOP doesn’t get back in line.


Hey Mitch,
taking a bigly chance sticking your head out that far.