[McConnell argued that neither Trump nor Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton were overly popular in polls. “Neither one of these candidates is likely to get a big wet kiss from the American public,” McConnell said according to CBS.]
Nobody ever does the next step and asks about the NATURE, DEPTH AND SPECIFIC REASONS for this unpopularity with Clinton and Trump and then compare and contrast. Until that takes place, this is yet one more example of the MSM being derelict in their journalistic duties. Sound bites and phrases (like those of Turtle, here) merely help Republicans.
Please let’s not forget the always right around the corner GOP Jobs Bill/economic recovery plans which amazingly never appeared. They campaigned - 2010 and 2012 - on nothing but overturning the AHA and JOBS!JOBS!JOBS!, accomplished neither but got a free pass to focus on nothing more than obstruction of progress.
There’s a website devoted to Quayle droppings including the Phoenix thing. Poppy bush thought Quayle would make his administration more attractive to lots of people who would otherwise reject it. Bless his heart.
“What a waste it is to lose one’s mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.”
(Vice President Dan Quayle - this was part of his address to the United Negro College Fund, whose slogan is “a mind is a terrible thing to waste”)
Well turtle head, maybe you and your whole party should fill in the blanks and quit leaving out the footnotes in your speeches press releases. Like when you say American people you mean * republican men, or When you say you will come up with a better health care bill you really mean* not coming up with a different heath care bill.
At least the donald tells you up front that he panders to as Steven Hawkins puts it " the lowest common Denominator" of the country.
“I think that winning the White House is about more than just entertaining a large audience,” McConnell told CBS News on Monday. "I think the American people would also like to see him fill in the blanks."
Personally, when I look to fill the position of POTUS, I’m not looking to be “entertained” – at all. Additionally, Trump intentionally leaves many blanks in his posits – that way, his garbage can be claimed by as wide an audience as possible. Woman: “I just love him – he really cares about me and my baby!” Man: “Damn, he really understands me and why I treat my bitch just like he’s treated his many bitches.”
“Neither one of these candidates is likely to get a big wet kiss from the American public,” McConnell said according to CBS.
Speaking as a gay dude, I’m far more likely to give Hillary a big ole wet, sloppy kiss than I’d be caught within a hundred yards of Donald Trump.
I love watching these Republicans swinging in the wind. Trump is their worst nightmare come to life and they have to pretend to like him. They have to voice their disgust with him in the same type of dog whistles they use for their disgust with the rest of us. Considering it was those dog whistles that got them into his mess there is some Karma going on here. We are lucky to have 5 more months to watch Republicans swallow their tongues with a smile on their repulsive faces. Go Dems.
The GOP going back to Lee Atwater and his Disciple Karl Rove created a Frankenstein and The Monster has turned on his creators. I friggin’ LOVE IT! Rove sitteth at the right hand of Atwater He’s Atwater’s Good Thief.
Yes, I know Trump is not a direct creation of those two evil men, but they poisoned the well and the soil out of which this 21st C Mussolini arose.
(Yeah, I’ve mixed some metaphors, I know, but I’ve had 2 cocktails.)