Discussion: McConnell: Obamacare Repeal Bill Coming Thursday

McConnell has either 50 votes or the Majority Whip’s short & curlies in his pocket.

“Everybody pretty well understands it. "?

I thought nobody knew it was so complicated.

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“We have been discussing lying about all the elements of this endlessly for seven years,” McConnell said.


"I think this will be as about as transparent as it could be…”

Truest thing Yertle has ever said.


I hate to swear just to swear, but sometimes people earn it, as is the case here. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these vile, vicious, evil fuckers? No qualms at alll about screwing over tens of millions of Americans, and quite possibly literally killing thousands and thousands of their fellow citizens by denying them access to care, and why? Solely so they can fund massive tax cuts for the wealthiest of the wealthy. Honestly, fuck these fucking fuckers and the turtle-faced evil bastard they’re riding in on.


The man is on it, and he’s a quick study:

“In a short period of time I understood everything there was to know about health care.”

See also:

“I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world.”

“I understand money better than anybody. I understand it far better than Hillary, and I’m way up on the economy when it comes to questions on the economy.”

“Nobody knows more about trade than me”

“Nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump.”

“There’s nobody bigger or better at the military than I am”

“I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.”

“There is nobody who understands the horror of nuclear more than me.”

“It would take an hour-and-a-half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles…I think I know most of it anyway.”

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McConnell is hoping he has 50 votes.
It’s not a guarantee.


I am posting ncsteve again here as his usual excellent comments were even more spot-on, and don’t think very many saw it (what, is everybody on vacation?). I’m posting to Facebook also. Hope Steve doesn’t mind.

While I’m with all of you, I really don’t think everyone is getting the full horror of the implications. I think people are so transfixed by the implications for those who are going to be immediately impacted, and for the ripple effects it will have for most of the rest of us, that don’t think people are really grasping the full magnitude of how dire this is.

McConnell and fourteen other rich white men are drafting a bill affecting one sixth of our GDP in secret. The bill in question is opposed by a majority of the American people and will be even more opposed once it is made public and they very conspicuously don’t care.

No committee hearings, no time to read, consider, obtain comment from the public–or, indeed, even from corporate lobbyists and stakeholders. McConnell intends to ram it through the Senate in gross and cynical violation of the Senate rules.

The sole objective of the bill, the entire objective, is to fund a tax cut for a handful of billionaire oligarchs who have been agitating against the ACA, which was funded by a tax on the rich, since it was passed. And to fund that tax cut tens of thousands of people who aren’t rich to death and vast numbers more to preventable disabilities. Meanwhile, not a single industry player–not Big Pharma, not providers, not insurers, has indicated any support. Instead, most of them have somehow been silenced.

Consider further that this comes in the backdrop of a House of Representatives whose majority is the result of partisan gerrymandering, not popular votes and a president who lost the popular vote by an historic margin under circumstances increasingly indicating the result was manipulated by a hostile foreign power espousing and seeking to spread an explicitly anti-democratic, hypernationalistic, authoritarian, oligarchic ideology.

This is being done through brazen, sneering transgression of all of the norms that make us, or at least made us, a democracy. It is, the culmination of two decades of, and I use the word advisedly, rape of the democratic process and republican traditions generally, the rules of both chambers, the boundaries and unwritten conventions that once made our inherently unworkable separation of powers system function.

This deliberate, willful, gleeful trampling of the rights and interests of the poor, working class and middle class in service to the pecuniary interests of a handful of obscenely wealthy outright oligarchs–the Kochs, the Mercers, the DeVos clan, the Walton crime family, and their ilk–is a a declaration of victory in a war on democracy that was openly declared when the Roberts Court handed down Citizens United and that has continued marching from victory to victory while we sat around with our heads up our asses, telling ourselves that Obama’s two wins meant we were staying even, even while state legislatures were purchased, Congressional elections were won, districts were gerrymandered, vote suppression laws were passed.

This grotesque, evil atrocity unfolding in darkness isn’t about healthcare or health insurance or an industry. It is nothing less than a declaration that we’re now just another Putinized sham democracy perpetrated by people who are confident we can’t do anything about it.

That’s how bad this really is. Get your heads around it and act accordingly.


I agree that we’ll disagree on this.

I believe the GOP has fallen in line. That’s why the Majority Whip was on the committee.

I hope I’m wrong.

Everybody, get ready to bend over.

“…obviously once we get a CBO score…”

If the goal is to vote by June 30, there ain’t gonna be no cee bee ohh score.

I suspect most people don’t understand. These folks are from a different class. They don’t have to worry about paying their mortgage. They don’t have to worry about health care. They have no concerns about whether or not they will be able to afford college for their kids, or what it will take to care for mom and dad as they age. They have no worries about retirement.

They have wealth. They have plenty of resources, and even if they are not to the level of the obscenely rich, they are in a different class from most of the people who will be affected by their decisions. They are like the old days of AT&T. They don’t care because they don’t have too.

The poor don’t vote. The down-trodden don’t vote. Single mothers, (or fathers) working two minimum wage jobs trying to keep body and soul together are too tired to vote. The rest of the poor white trash who make up their constituency can easily be brought to heel with scary stories about dangerous Negros or muuslems.

They threaten 2nd amendment solutions if Hillary is elected. They call Michelle Obama an ape in high heels. they show internet posts of the president as a witch doctor or with a hang-man’s noose around his neck, but then cry, “where has civility gone” when tragedy strikes one of them. They are not just hypocrites. They are so far disconnected from the rest of us, they don’t even see the divide.

They are royalty. We are the little people, the masses, the mob, the hoi polloi, the rabble, the riffraff, the herd, the proles, the plebs. They can barely stand to meet with a few of us in the pseudo-town-halls they hold a couple of times a year, and except if it leads to a photo op, have very little interest in our well being.


are the repubes hiding a tax on employer based health care plans? I strongly suspect that may be the case, can’t let that get out either

gonna be a disaster for all, 23 million may lose health care access, for the others I imagine unending annual premium increases for plans that cover less and less, with higher annual deductibles that can never be reached, so that health care plans basically amount to catastrophic coverage for all, like it was pre-ACA

let’s watch the economy slow to a crawl/collapse under the weight of the health insurance company rising profits, we have been here before, it sucked then, will suck just as much or worse now

can only hope single payer is on the horizon, that this will pave the way.

“We have been discussing all the elements of this endlessly for seven years,” McConnell said.

Ummm… fuck no. You’ve been lying and/or bashing the ACA that long, but you haven’t put forth a version of the bill at all, and the ACHA has only existed for roughly 14 weeks.


You know republicans don’t give a shit about people having health insurance and I know it, but I really can’t believe they will go through with throwing people off of it as it will finally prove to the morons that still believe that republicans care that they don’t and they did this knowing it would fuck them over. I just can’t believe Republicans will actually go through with it.

“I think this will be about as transparent as it could be.”

For a bill written in secret.

That nobody’s allowed to read.

Jammed through without debate or amendment.

Yet McConnell tells this obvious whopper with a straight face – without the slightest hint of shame.

He actually enjoys insulting your intelligence.

Sadistically degrading and humiliating the average American.

Clearly, McConnell is a deeply and psychologically damaged man.


Believe it.

That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain—
At least I am sure it may be so in Denmark (the USA).

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McConnell wouldn’t hold “discussions” if he didn’t have 50 votes. For the life of me, I still don’t understand his logic. I guess he figures by the time 2020 rolls around, no one will care (or they will have forgotten or be dead) and that voters are too stupid to hold the few 2018 GOP senators responsible. The cynicism is breathtaking. This man should burn in hell.


This shows you the UTTER CONTEMPT they hold their constituents in - and I wish some Democrat would point it out.

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Thursday schedule:
11:52:00pm AHCA bill unveiled
11:55:02pm AHCA passes on strict party line vote
11:57:27pm POTUS tweets something outrageous that will dominate the next 24 hour news cycle

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