Discussion: McConnell: 'No One Thinks' A GOP Senate Could Repeal Obamacare

Discussion for article #229433

“I think Obamacare is the single worst piece of legislation pass in the last 50 years…thank God it didn’t pass and become law back in 1994 when we Republicans were insisting on it.”

There. FTFY, Mitch.


Mitch isn’t thinking big enough. Have the House vote to impeach Obama and repeal Obamacare. Maybe the same vote. Then the Senate can vote on this. If it fails or is filibustered, have the House do it again. Week after week until the other side gives in. Or until January 2017. Wouldn’t that be fun?


Lies and the lying liars who tell them. – A. Franken


Dear taxpayers If elected. i guarantee you will continue to subsidize the insurance industry with 70 billion dollars per year for emergency health care and in return i continue to safeguard the anti-trust exemptions of which the insurance industry operates.


They won’t have much else to do for the next two years. Impeachment would break the monotony of the nonstop Benghazi hearings they’re probably going to hold.


When the fuck will someone in the media have the gumption to say to McConnell, if you don’t like Obamacare, then why don’t you and the House pass what you want in its place and challenge Obama to sign or veto it?


I hate having Social Security and Medicare taxes taken out of my paycheck, but I really like the idea of getting a check every month when I retire. Let’s push to have the “tax” part of the law repealed* and leave the benefit I like in.

This makes as much sense as repealing the individual mandate, but leaving the benefits. The insurance pool becomes untenable. Just like McTurtle’s “repeal Obamacare, but leave Kynect in place” sleight of hand.

*SSI/Medicare is the single most regressive tax in the US system today. The average teacher pays the full 7.2%, never reaching the cap. The average CEO making $2 million a year pays about 0.4%, hitting the cap in the first month…


McConnell, translated: You know all those votes the GOTP House held? They were just funning you. And, I want you to know, I’ll promise to leave alone all the benefits of Obamacare alone and strip all the means of paying for them.


“I’d like to put the Senate Democrats in the position of voting on the most unpopular parts of this law and see if we can put it on the president’s desk and make him take real ownership of this highly destructive Obamacare,” McConnell said.

President Obama has already taken ownership of the ACA - or “ObamaCare”. WTF is McConell talking about?
By the way, the word “destructive” is pure hyperbole. I mean, can he be more drama queen-ish?

He added that Barack Obama “is the president of the United States until January of 2017, and people need to understand that that constrains our ability to do for this law what we’d like to do, which is to get rid of it.”

So then why have they been definitively talking about repealing for the past 5 years it if they know they really can’t?
Why am I the one asking that, and not the “liberal” media???


So, he and other conservative legislators have had their voters believing for years they would do something that Mr McConnell now says, can’t be done? Really?!?!?!? A republican lying about something important?!?!?! Only when their lips are moving!


Great book, by the way.

I support the idea of having the Senate vote on things the people want. They should start with raising the minimum wage, which has about 70% support including a majority of Republicans.


I’ll be so glad to not have to listen to his condescending voice, see that evil face on TV, internet, etc., and NOT have him be our Senator anymore.
Please make it so my fellow Kentuckians.


[quote] "There are pieces of it that are extremely unpopular with the American public … [/quote] Which translates to “There are pieces of it that are extremely POPULAR with the American public, including millions of Kentuckistanians.” You know - your home state?

Just sayin’.


[quote=“RadicalCentrist, post:13, topic:12326”]
They should start with raising the minimum wage, which has about 70% support including a majority of Republicans.
[/quote] And 90-some percent are for reasonable gun laws.


I have that book in my library along with many others from the 2004 campaign…Bush v Gore. Those were the days…

In an odd way, I’m kinda looking forward to a GOP senate. They keep saying they have all these big plans to fix stuff. Let’s let them have a go. Most of it won’t pass because of the filibuster and veto.
Nothing’s getting done now anyway. I think everyone needs to see how crazy this crazy train really is.

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“…if he’d push for ‘defunding and getting rid of the Affordable Care Act’ as majority leader…”

McConnell’s answer was no, Kentucky.

So it’s okay to vote for the Dem. Since neither one is going to change Obamacare anyway, why not vote for the person you like? And you like her.


McConnell is what is wrong with Washington.

Unfortunately, I can’t vote against McConnell, so I do send money to Grimes.

I hope you will do what you can to help America. Let’s get someone on board interested in making government work.

Go, Grimes!!!