Discussion for article #223104
Mitch McConnell has spent the last 5 years trying every imaginable ploy to put a stake through the heart of the Affordable Care Act. To try to distinguish between the KY Obamacare Exchange and Obamacare itself is about as cynical as it gets. Sadly, the local polling seems to indicate that he might get away with it because the Exchange is very popular while Obamacare itself is not. Go figure.
Crazy part is that I’m sure most voters will believe him. They don’t even realize that the exchanges are from the ACA. Just like on Kimmel when everyone was again Obamacare but all were for the Affordable Care Act…What did most say…I don’t want that Obamacare. After all these years people still don’t get it. They think Obamacare is an insurance.
“McConnell told reporters Friday that the fate of the state exchange is unconnected to the federal health care law.”
Hahahahahahaha!!! Turtles are sooooo funny.
I’ve been saying this for years.
Next it will be THEM who fought against the Democrats tooth and nail for the Affordable Care Act.
They’re really dumb and predictable because I aren’t that smart.
It doesn’t help that the MSM is so invested in the stenography business that they can’t be bothered to help educate the public. They just reprint the lies pretty much without comment, because “fair and balanced.” Feh, pooey.
Wow. Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader in the Senate?
I don’t know. I just can’t see it.
You heard him, Federal Gubmint. Stop sending ACA funds to KY.
The Republicans have done a good job with the propaganda. Pretty much every provision of ObamaCare has majority support. The Republicans have managed to convince a lot of people that ObamaCare is something it isn’t.
McConnell told reporters Friday that the fate of the state exchange is unconnected to the federal health care law.
And then he went quiet, blinked several times in rapid succession and, with some difficulty, swallowed the bald-faced and screamingly obvious lie, and smiled his milquetoast smile beneath dead eyes.
You are probably right. Yertle will get away with saying whatever he wants to. Only a rare person can suspend belief in his/her surroundings while waiting for the actual “news” to inform.
Because that is the job of the Fourth Estate. It is the Press who have actively been supporting the lies of the Republican Party by not identifying them as LIES. Mann and Ornstein said that long ago, by talking about MSM “false equivalency”.
Of course Yertle will get away with it. That’s why he said that the ACA has nothing to do with Kynect. He knows that the FOX, of course, will support his talking points. But he also know that the MSM will turn a deaf ear to his LIES. Finally, he knows that when MSNBC types like Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow refute him, he can always denounce their words as “liberal propaganda”.
This is a dangerous time for the nation, because there is now absolutely no incentive for Republicans to ever say one word of the truth.
Occupy was misguided in one sense: There should have been auxiliaries dispatched to FOX, the MSM and Congress.
The evil resides THERE.
This is the Olympics of Doublespeak.
Politics has always been a dirty business but McConnell takes it to new heights. He makes it sleazy.
Obamacare and KYnect? Not related at all. And keep your government hands off my Medicare!
Not just the exchange, but ALL the policies on it are the result of ACA/Obamacare. The policies available to people with pre-exisiting conditions, for people who need subsidies, etc…Mitch is be EASY to smack down, here.
It appears as though Grimes has been reluctant to speak too much about “obamacaare” for fear of being tied to POTUS. Which is what the Turtle wants to do - tie her to Obama, Reid, Pelosi, etc. Now, she really has to address it - in some way. I’m guessing that Gov. Beshear will take on most of that duty.
So…is Mitch going to explain who will pay for the subsidies if ACA is repealed? Oh, wait. I know: Magic!
I’m sure the plan would entail cutting taxes so low that the ultra-rich would finally see government’s oppressive boot removed from their necks and they’ll go ahead and give us all ponies and ice cream forever. Because as freedom lovers everywhere know, people will always do the right thing unless the government forces them to do so.
When you pay no price for lying, you get a lot more lying.
The GOP has absolutely no incentive to tell the truth about anything, because our “media” no longer gives a shit. Plus, we all know that both sides lie, right?
Nothing to see here. Back to really important matters, like if Solange and Jay-Z will patch things up.
So true…they let the Rethugs say anything about the ACA and never call anybody out or correct anyone.
I don’t think it’s that they don’t care. I think it’s because they’re so damn shallow and ignorant that they don’t know the lies from the truth anyway. That’s what happens when people are promoted based upon their appearance and willingness to repeat conventional wisdom.
Rock the boat and you won’t be assigned to prestigious political beats in the first place, and it’s very unlikely you’ll every get on television if you don’t look the part.