This is only a semi-rhetorical question.
Who votes for these people?
White people.
I have an answer for you Mitch:
Pay Trump a visit when he returns to the WH and tell him to resign by the end of the month or you will personally find the votes needed to get to 67 to remove him from office and will have a sense of the Senate resolution passed to that effect. Tell Pence to resign. He’s a fucking accessory to multiple crimes. The appointed VP should be a consensus pick between Senate Dems and GOPers.
Pay Ryan a visit and tell him to get articles of impeachment ready for Trump. Tell Ryan to resign the Speakership. Recommend HRC be submitted as a candidate for Speaker and support her election to the post. She becomes President by the laws of succession.
Give Schiff and Warner the full green light to go after everyone in the circle of treason. Give Mueller whatever he wants. Approve the independent commission.
Compromise w/Dems: auto-enrollment into medicaid for all those w/out insurance; pay insurance companies the risk corridor money they’re owed; no other changes to Obamacare.
We’ll throw in a couple of bridges for you in KY.
We’ll give you a bit of a tax cut in xchg for some corp loophole removal and fully financed transportation improvements (including my own state’s high speed rail project in CA).
GOP : OMG! Obummercare is a disaster! Repeal! Repeal! Death spiral! Job killer! It will destroy America!
GOP voters : Holy crap! That sounds terrible, get rid of it!
GOP : ummm, err, we were actually lying to you and it isn’t that bad after all.
I’m sure he’ll figure out a way to skirt those pesky rules, too.
Watch for an outbreak of torsion arm fractures among members of the Repuglican Senatorial caucus.
Trump: “I was told it needed pass the House only. The system is rigged.”
Edit: Just in new Quinnipiaq poll shows 64% believe Trump abuses the power of his office.
Corrected edit: The poll said 54%, but either the CNN anchor report misstated the poll result (or I misheard).
Perhaps some ill-tempered god decided that it was time for an in vivo experiment to determine whether or not America would continue to function if governing were turned completely over to suited and tied incompetents, maladroits, and failed thieves .
Wow, I was thinking something about kneepads and a barrel, but your list is more humiliating. Me likey.
People who watch Fox News.
Their brains have been so screwed with, that they are willing to vote against their own best interests.
Now, is that going to translate to unpopularity or will his deplorables still love him for it?
@ignoreland Poll I saw said 40% name Fox as its primary source of news. This tracks with recent Trump approval of 37-40%
Previously, I’ve mentioned that Iowa’s ACA exchanges were on the verge of collapse. I found out why yesterday. It’s not the fault of the ACA, it’s the Republicans fault on how they set the exchanges up:
The state’s individual market faces several major problems. The first is that, to a large extent, it did not actually implement Obamacare. Nationwide, nearly all people who bought their insurance on the individual market are enrolled in plans that meet certain Obamacare requirements.
These non-Obamacare-compliant plans are allowed to stick around because they were created before the Affordable Care Act exchanges launched, and Iowa’s state regulators have been more than willing to let them linger.
Because these noncompliant plans offer relatively skimpy coverage and, back in the day, were allowed to effectively screen out older and sicker patients, they’re cheap. As a result, they have siphoned off many of the healthier, younger people in the state.
That means the pool of people left buying more generous Obamacare-compliant plans has been sicker, older and more expensive — a problem known as “adverse selection.” This drives up premiums and causes even the relatively healthy people on the ACA exchanges to drop coverage.
“…Republican health care bill…”
The GOP Promise: “If you like your cancer, terminally-ill child, or medical bankruptcy…you can keep it!”
You’re tinkering around with 1/6 of the US economy. Maybe try to craft a bill that will get more than 50 votes?
Nah, I didn’t think so.
Exactly. Thanks for this post. It really underlines that O-Care made better is light years better than the GOP plan, but neither plan is as good as a single payer system where all are covered.
People who think those people will get shafted harder than they will.
As I’m interested in the mechanics of politics, when I saw this report I was thinking that with healthcare, all sides pretend the lobbyists don’t exist, when in some cases they control things. It occurred to me that these two house bills, and probably ANYTHING that can pass the house eventually, will prematurely kill so many of the EXISTING LIFE insurance clients–thereby stopping premium payments and making the policies losses–that ALL insurance commpanies, not just those in Health will work like hell, will lobby like hell against them. They have existing contracts that will have to be paid, so they have to act now.
So Mitch’s problem may not just be with Democrats, because lobbying from the industry is stronger with the GOP.
Another thing–the CBO is not supposed to be offended in repeatedly making estimates that have little impact. Or be offended by Donnie’s endless attacks on government workers.
Not supposed to.