Discussion: McConnell Gets Creative With His Foreign Dirt Pivots: Stop Picking On Trump

Well Mitch (wearing his wife*s panties) says " … " .


He has the nerve to say this shit while being an asset for China for all these years.


McConnell, in my opinion, has gone where no man has gone before, in the sense of blatant treason. Day before yesterday, Trump told the U.S. that he wants to rig the election in 2020.

To say that the people who have correctly reacted to this with alarm are “not letting it go” is destructive to this Republic.

McConnell has always, in my mind, been “Individual 2”.


“But the fundamental point is that they are trying to keep the 2016 election alive and the investigation alive when the American people have heard enough,”

On the contrary, Mitch, we haven’t heard nearly enough. He’s going to keep getting investigated. Get used to it. Waiting to learn more about you and your wife’s shenanigans as well.

Why won’t you do anything about preventing foreign interference in our elections, you jerk? Makes you look complicit.


McConnell: "I would ask the Democrats in the House this: Is there anything you’re willing to do other than harass the President for the next two years? Anything at all?”

Don’t know that you’ve been paying attention, Senator, but there have been a number of significant bills passed by the House. Are you taking those up?


“They got the Mueller report, they would like for us to do some business. I would ask the Democrats in the House this: Is there anything you’re willing to do other than harass the President for the next two years? Anything at all?”

Turtle, time to dig out the bills you buried in your graveyard!


Pelosi’s chart was certainly educational yesterday. Too bad TPM didn’t cover that.


Hey Mitch–see this middle finger I’m holding up? Lean in close and get a good look, because in one second it goes in your eye. See that small lettering on the nail? Yeah, that’s right, beotch, it says “Benghazi.” Now stay right there…


I sincerely hope that the God that these people profess to believe in does exist.

Because as long as He does, they’re going to be a teensy-weensy bit surprised at the Rapture bit, when it turns out that being a hateful, petty and pathetic piece of bile does not open them holy gates.


McConnell is the brick wall built around trump to protect him (and McConnell himself), time to take a sledge hammer to that wall and break it down. No one ever calls Mitch out to his face, ever. Why not? Why is he allowed to get away with whatever he wants and is never even slightly challenged at the moment he spews his bile? He just says his shit and goes off to commit more crimes against our democracy and everyone just shrugs. No one takes him on. Why?


“They got the Mueller report, they would like for us to do some business. I would ask the Democrats in the House this: Is there anything you’re willing to do other than harass the President for the next two years? Anything at all?”

Hey Turtle, if I recall there are some 10 of bills passed by the House that you refuse to even open the folder let alone place on the calendar. So when you ask the Democrats in the House this: Is there anything you’re willing to do, they have already done it and you pizzant have your thumb stuck up your azz.

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There are too many lies inherent in that statement to waste time parsing. But I will say this: 2020 will be the year that McConnell’s tricks will seem even lamer that this one today.


"I would ask the Democrats in the House this: Is there anything you’re willing to do other than harass the President for the next two years? Anything at all?”

Which is SO different from you declaring in 2009 that you’d do everything you can to make Obama a one-term President.

Every accusation is a confession, you treasonous motherfucker. I only hope your treason catches up with you, Traitor Turtle, and wipes that fucking smirk off your ugly, treasonous face.


Maybe because he’s so outrageous and consistently evil. I read an interesting observation years ago about Hitler’s drive into Western Europe. In WWI, the German violation of Belgian neutrality was treated as an outrage, an intolerable breach of international norms. By the time Hitler attacked, his amorality was so taken for granted that the invasion of five neutral countries in the spring of 1940 was far less mentioned.



And the answer was “nope” then…


The chyron in that picture! McConnell and Ingraham, lucha libré I’d go to that.


“He gets picked over every day…”

IIRC, this was Mitch’s strategy against Obama.


All I can think of is that the MSM, especially those at the broadcast networks CBS, ABC and NBC, seem to have written into their contracts that followup and/or hard hitting questions are Verboten. Only Jello is allowed.


“They got the Mueller report, they would like for us to do some business.

“They got the Mueller report, they would like for us to read it”