FFS. Rename the damn building and let McCain lie in state. JHC we don’t need another ‘gang’ who does fk all. DO the job you are supposed to and quit trying to toady favor with the megalomaniac in the WH.
Any news on whether all the children ripped from their parents have been reunited yet?
No, they haven’t. The ACLU has not given up trying to reunite deported parents with children who are by default AND FAULT of Trump and Sessions, becoming orphans.
The fight against this evil will never end until every child is back with their parents.
And, how do we put some of these Trump assholes in jail?
“CREATURES as STUPID as you should be fed feet first into wood chippers to be ground up into fertilizer!”
OMG Mitch!
Whatever the Hell you do, do NOT anger the base or the basement-in-chief.
Now, if you were to propose naming the building after Himmler…
Please. we have enough toxic waste superfund cleanup sites.
These people can’t even get together to accomplish what is already a slam dunk.
What a pathetic group.
“The 109-year-old building is named after Sen. Richard Russell, a Georgia Democrat who, like McCain, chaired the Armed Services Committee. Russell, who died in 1971, was a segregationist and led Southern opposition to anti-lynching bills and other civil rights legislation, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act.”
I think I see the problem right there…
McConnell forms a gang. McConnell and his fucking gangs.
McConnell is as big a baby and as petty as tRump. He’s still smarting from McCain’s thumbs down vote against ending Obamacare. He’ll do anything to delay, defer and avoid having to actually decide and act on naming that building after him, and everyone knows it. He doesn’t need a gang. All he needs is a simple vote, since tRump can’t interfere with the process and its really out of his hands. This stupid move is completely on Yertl. It may also garner tRump’s appreciation in the process…but only because they’re both such temperamental cry babies that run everything into the ground out of pure spite.
“Georgia’s GOP Sen. David Perdue, whose own office was formerly used by Russell, said he’s unsure if residents back home would accept a name change for the building.”
Yeah the people of Georgia spend their waking days keeping the light on for a unreconstructed racist who blocked rights for African-Americans as a matter of moral principle. Top of mind issue is their right to name a national Senate office building. I mean these goddam republican senators are such a bunch of clowns.
What the hell does Rump have on these guys that they’ve utterly sold their souls?
So, does this mean we are headed straight toward no tribute to McCain?
Why, when I see the cover photo, My first thought goes to “Tooter Turtle & Mr. Wizard”?
'Drivisel,…Drivasal…Divisal…Drone…Time for this One to come home"
More pertainant…why do I remember this???
And all the distinguished Senators from the ‘Deep South’ Hem and Haw because Arizona is not South enough? …Seriously???..Oh, That South.