Discussion for article #224032
He’s not an American citizen you fucking moron.
EDIT: On further reflection the turtle is still a dissembling shit. And I trust that this administration will follow the rules and if this cat is guilty he will be tried fairly. For legal advice I will always revert to NCSteve. But for identifying shit, I will go with my gut.
Shut up you idiot…just shut up already
Foreign nationals subject to the jurisdiction of U.S. courts are entitled to the same rights as American citizens under the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eighth Amendments. If they’re going to try him in a federal court, they have to give him all the rights he’s due or else not use any evidence they obtain in violation of those rights at the trial. .
They really think the way to get what they want is to torture him. They don’t seem to realize that torture is how you get to admit to shit that ISN’T true.
Oh…I see. Never mind.
“Small government Republican”.
Thanks for the input, now kindly fuck off.
Can anyone name a single thing that the GOP has contributed to intelligent discussion of any issue? They have completely lost their right to a the spotlight. (Tell it to the media, of course.)
“There has been a tendency in this administration, as you know, to treat this like a law enforcement matter. Read them their rights. Get them a lawyer. I hope they’re not doing that.”
Ossama Bin Laden and countless drone targets say “Hi,” Mitch.
Who died and made him King?
Do you think they he’s getting his miranda rights read to him in Libya? Or is McConnell dissembling.
If he is to be put on trial in the USA under our system he is entitled to have his rights read!
McTurdle is an idiot and would be deemed as promoting miscarriage of justice! Nasty old flabby filibuster queen!
If they’re not reading him his Miranda rights before questioning, they’re handing his defense attorneys a nice, big present, on a silver platter.
Why do you hate our Constitution so much?
The irony is that Repugs can’t catch terrorists, their policies only spawn them. But they claim to be experts when Dems have to clean up their mess.
Those were my EXACT words when I read the headline.
What do you expect? That’s GOP leadership for ya. They’re just shameless. The FBI were involved in apprehending this man and still the GOP has no faith in our American justice system. WoW!
Edit: Over 500 terrorists have been adjudicated in American courts and have been convicted. Only something like 8 have been tried at GITMO and sentenced under the Military Code of Justice.
Help me out here. It’s been so long, I’m having a hard time remembering just once when these patriotic Republicans have supported the President of the United States. The Democrats didn’t impeach Bush when they had the chance because they didn’t want to make a mockery of our democracy. All these Republicans do is spew ugly disloyalty and agitate for impeachment. Fuk any journalist who blathers the same old “both parties do it” shite at this point. They are part of the problem too.
Oh please.
Hi Mitch, you have to understand how you sound to regular people who aren’t trying to get TBags to vote for them, you sound, well, insane. If we didn’t read him his rights, then we couldn’t prosecute him, correct? Is this because you don’t want the Black Kenyan Usurper to have yet another notch under his belt, i.e. ordering the death of bin Laden, Bergdahl, this, health care reform, which is fine. I get it, I get that you all can’t stand that a black person is your equal. But damn it already, STFU.
4th? 6th? 8th? We all know if it isn’t the 2nd Amendment it’s not worth worrying about to the conservatives.