Discussion: McConnell Delays August Recess As GOP Struggles To Repeal Obamacare

The most recent announcement is that the new Senate bill does NOT repeal either of the taxes on the wealthy.

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Do we really want them in Washington?

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Nothing like spending a couple of extra weeks in balmy D.C> in August to put congresscritters in a good mood. Dems should leave anyway just email in the ā€œNoā€ votes since gopers seem to have developed this thing for emails.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s a four-day workweek. They spend four days in DC, then they return to their states to talk to their constituents (or campaign, which is kind of the same thing).

If you say so.


Agreed. I think Collins reads the tea leaves and it doesnā€™t include her being in DC for much longer. So thatā€™s one.

Heller (R-NV) is really behind the 8 ball right now and his re election bid is just looking very shaky. (Now. Who knows what happens in 16 mos.). Thatā€™s two.

Iā€™ve heard it said that Flake is also endangered but Iā€™m not quite seeing that right now.

I donā€™t see how Capito can vote for this thing in any form because WV.

These are the Senators for whom ā€œtimeā€ isnā€™t in their favor. Now, a month from now, a year from now. Unless these traitorous scum are planning on staying in DC for the remainder of their lives, I donā€™t see how hiding is going to save them.


#NotAllSenators, of course. There are the jerks who just hide, of course. But they are a lost cause for our purposes.

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And recess is their favorite subject. Sad!

We just have to keep positive here. As you listed, there are senators who want to continue to get elected to things, and not all of the Republican senators are in monolithically red states.


The Kochā€™s and Mercers really want their payback for getting Blimpo and the GOP majority elected.

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A foreign power that threatens American Navy ships and flys nuclear armed bombers down the pacific coastline has stolen the election, and his priority is creating a kindler gentler genocide among the sick who are poor.

Good thing the Republicans are in charge, for we all know the rich need that two percent tax break.


Like grains of sand through an hourglass, so are the days without an obamacare replacementā€¦


The reality of when youā€™re the majority but have no leverage

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Just remember folks, in GOP Congress-land, itā€™s Yertles all the way down


As I see it, Yertleā€™s biggest problem re: Rumpcare is that


In the end whether itā€™s yea or nay, it has to be voted on. They canā€™t just walk away from it with no vote. As I said, if they vote on it now or whenever, it has to be voted on and, in the end, someoneā€™s gonna lose very bigtime. It will either be some Rethug Senators OR itā€™ll be us. And even if we lose, it appears that weā€™ll be taking some scalps with us.


Ladies and gentlemen, the National Anthem of the United States Republican Party:

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Yes, he has to get it done before the conspiracy charges start flying. Jail time makes it harder to whip a quorum.


I just hope theyā€™re not counting on the big blockbuster news events to distract people enough to let them sneak this one in. Itā€™s hard for ordinary people to focus on one thing with all the shit that is going down.

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If there is anything in this steaming pile of revenge legislation thatā€™s a ā€œbright sideā€ itā€™s that the effects will be felt almost immediately. Not after 2018 but starting next year.

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ā€¦because you have no fucking ideas or clues!