Discussion: McConnell Confirms Plan For Stopgap Funding Until December

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But, but, but, I thought that through regular order we’d get back to passing budgets because FREEDOM!


What a bunch of freakin’ cowards.


Out-going Senate Majority Leader Yertle says what?


Ah you rascally Republicans have put yourselves between a rock and a hard place. If you are back home you have to hide from constituents or answer questions about Trump, if you’re back in session you can’t get a small minority of your party to do the work of governing.
You know instead of having a Congressional softball team you guys might want to consider dodge ball.


And that plan now looks like a normal budget process? Damn.


So Congressional Repugs take two months paid (by us) vacation. Then they come back and refuse to (or cannot) pass a Zika funding bill (which should have been passed in June), and now tells us they cannot pass a budget bill; not even a CR through March so that the new Prez. can get settled. Instead, they will hold of on their ongoing threat to shut down the government until one month after the election so that if their candidate looses, they can really screw Hillary . . .and the rest of us!

These are truly a group of repugnant, dispicable human beings who have no business in government.


That, that right there makes me furious.


“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told reporters at the Capitol Wednesday that the Senate GOP was working with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and the White House on legislation that would fund the government through Dec. 9.”

Of course, back in March, bearded Alternate-Universe McConnell said just the opposite:

“The current, lame-duck President should not have any say. The Senate will appropriately consider the next President’s input.”

Because everyone knows that G-d has anointed the GOP to rule America all by itself.

Until their own suicidal, backbench mob of anarchist children burn down the building.

Then, suddenly, it’s Harry and Barack’s job to govern.


So he is going to continue not doing his job. How typical.


Am I the only person who realizes that the December stop gap date gives the lame duck congress a chance to hold the government hostage.


“A short-term CR until December would give the lame duck Congress a chance to work out a permanent funding plan for next year.”

A lame duck Congress that is, in fact, lame duck should control spending, but a lame duck president who is not, in fact, a lame duck should not get to nominate a Supreme Court justice. Because reasons.


Like minds.

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Also, we’re not talking about working out a spending plan for next year, we’re talking about working out a spending plan for this year. Which will be last year by the time the new congress ostensibly gets around to it.


Funding for the richest, safest, most prosperous country on earth is done kind of like a poor family trying to borrow money to eat. Everything is a desperate stopgap.

For every lying asshole like McConnell who is trying to keep the USA sick enough to require life support, you have many thousands of goper asshole voters who put him there. Let’s never forget who really needs to be put out to pasture. Give them their own racist TV channel and let them watch it while we save America for them.


Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive, eh Mitch?


Of course, when the budget that is passed by a GOP controlled lame duck Congress produces a deficit it will be Hillary’s fault for failing to control spending.


No… no, you’re not. And the possibility pisses me off.


We are two separate bodies, but we’re talking to each other.

And they share half a brain between them. I’m pretty sure the conversation is along the lines of “What can we do to screw over the President today?” McConnell really is one of the most devious, underhanded men to sit as Majority Leader for years. Lyndon Johnson wouldn’t get away with half the crap this weasel has. The less said about the Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver* in the other body, the better. He’s just a ward-heeler who’s been promoted, over his capabilities.

*Hat tip, as always, to C.P.Pierce


'fund the government through Dec. 9"

So, yet again they get to jerk people’s holiday money around and then leave on recess. Republicans are such loathsome creatures.