Discussion: McCaskill Slams Clippers Owner As 'Ignorant Racist' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222054

It’s easy pickins’ right about now. Sort of like shooting fish in a barrel. If she can go after this asshole, maybe she can be brave enough to go after the bigoted assholes in her own State of Misery. There are plenty of them there too. I like McCaskill in general, but sometimes her blue-doggishness drives me a bit nuts.


I would say her blue-doggyness drives me nuts and I like her OK sometimes, did I mention the blue dog?

The thing that came to my mind was T-ball, with Sterlings head duct-taped to the T. Gonna be alotta swings over the next few days.

Claire’s not a true Blue Dog in the sense of say, Joe Lieberman, Chris Carney or Steny Hoyer. She’s a moderate Democrat, which can seem like a Blue Dog to progressives. But I’m sure we agree that her comments here were spot-on.

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Glad she joined the pile on. Too bad she’s such a miserable hack supporting the NSA’s domestic surveillance program.

So is there an official Ignorant Racist wing of the Tea Party or does the Venn Diagram overlap so much you can’t tell them apart?