Discussion: McCaskill Sets Hearing To Examine Free Military Giveaways To Police

Discussion for article #226968

Wouldn’t this type of hearing have been good BEFORE the government started giving police departments military grade weapons? Just sayin’

So we’ve got Senators from MO and KY weighing in, for separate, obvious and transparent reasons.

It would be interesting if a “middle American consensus” could be developed with a handful of other Mid-Western Senators, who typically posture modesty and serve as flaks for big ag and arms contractors. Maybe Mark Kirk in IL or Joe Donnelly in IN, maybe Rob Portman in OH or Joe Manchin in WV or Pat Toomey in PA could see some upside in this.

The problem is not just “get these weapons off our streets.” It’s really, “What is the secondary market for the globally unprecedented arms stockpile America has created?”

Oh, goody! A hearing! That’ll fix the problem. Always does.

What we need are some goddamned prosecutions around here, from the bankster-gangsters to the cops.