Yet tRump is not in violation of the emollients clause. WHAT a farce
I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that McCaskill was playing fast and loose on things. The wealthy live by different rules than the rest of us.
Can we get some investigation on the Secretary of Education’s planes? Or even on her brother’s private air force once used for black site renditions?
I presume FACT has also requested indepth investigations into Trump and his offspring… Oh, wait…
Yeah and all those first-class flights, if we want to talk about plane problems. Also too.
Hopefully Claire will manage to survive this. This is a seat we can’t afford to lose.
I get it that this is a drop in the ocean that is the GOP’s abuses, but still. Purely from a strategic point of view. You have the high road. Why do anything to give it up? Thanks Gary Hart!
We do have to stop doing scorched-earth tactics on our own people, at least so long as the other side has grifters publicly lining their pockets.
Everything in proportion. An accounting nuance of a private plane owned by one’s spouse vs. cash payouts of adult film stars.
Since the group only is used for attacking Dems lets stop calling it a watchdog group please.
Exactly. I’m so sick and tired our side is consistently and unreasonably held to a higher standard.
Claire should continue to say ‘fuck you’. Her response should be, ‘your governor is a rapist. your POTUS kidnaps and abuses children and lets them die while taking bribes.’ Just raise the volume to drown out this b.s.
$200? Really?? That’s beyond insane.
Ironically the party of “wealth” that supposedly espouses the importance of understand financial matters - is attempting to exploit the vast financial and accounting ignorance of the public - a frightening portion of the population cannot comprehend (let alone explain) the difference between a business’s “Revenue” and “Income” - and some will even try to argue that they are just words that mean the same thing.
Hey Clair - you moron - you have to be clean as the driven snow or Republicans will go out of their way to screw you while ignoring 10,000 Republicans doing much, much worse.
If you don’t know the rules - go home.
FACT: “Gimme a nothingburger. And hold the bun please.”
I hope this is snark. Pruitt’s spent $4 million, a conservative groups says she earned $200. Where’s the problem.
Yeah, except if they’re right about revenues vs. profits, this is about as non-story as you get. “Oh Noez! They filed their report about a private plane correctly!” If R’s want to start throwing people of both parties out of office based on their net worth, I’ll lead the charge, but I’m guessing this isn’t what they’re getting at.
Why is she a moron, because conservatives are on her case? Get a grip
You have weird trust issues. On the one hand you distrust Claire because you think she may be rich. On the other hand, you don’t mention the mysterious dark money that has propelled Hawley is entire short political life. Hawley was plucked from an obscure assistant la professorship at the U of Mo to run in statewide politics. Hawley had no past political experience, only a “pretty face” useful to dark money manipulators looking for compliant stooges to do their political bidding.
A more accurate description would be “attack dog.”