Discussion: McCaskill Calls For Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Resign

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TPM: no, it was not “quickly disproven” - quoting Mediate does not make it so. McCaskill was clearly not meeting about Russia’s vindictive adoption ban as a member of the Senate Armed Services Cmte: please don’t make it appear that she was.


Resign Hell! Sessions needs to be indicted…tried and convicted of treason.

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Must be an old picture at the top. Kelly Ayotte, FORMERLY my Senator is standing in the background. I am so so so happy that she is now listed among “the disappeared.” She always ran as an “independent” but voted with the R scum 98.6 percent of the time. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


As I read the McCaskill statement, it appears to me that she may have been sarcastically paraphrasing what Sessions claimed, rather than saying that she herself had not met with the Russian Ambassador. Waiting for clarification.

Sessions says he’ll recuse himself when the time comes. We’re way past that point.


I wondered if Ambassadors called members of Armed Services and I wondered is such contact outside of the WH was appropriate or common. ie, was Sessions explanation credible?. Claire answered my question:

"I’ve been on the Senate Armed Services Committee for 10 years, and in
that time, have had no call from or meeting with, the Russian
ambassador. Ever. That’s because ambassadors call members of the Foreign
Relations Committee."

However, her own tweets state she has met with the Russian Ambassador concerning Russian adoptions and the Iran deal. She needs to clarify if meeting with Russian Ambassador was in connection with any of her other committee appointments.

Claire McCaskill sits on the following committees:

Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Ex Officio, Subcommittee on Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management
Ex Officio, Subcommittee on Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
Ex Officio, Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management
Senate Committee on Armed Services
Member, Subcommittee on Airland
Member, Subcommittee on Cybersecurity
Member, Subcommittee on Personnel
Senate Committee on Finance
Member, Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness
Member, Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight
Enacted Legislation

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She is so bloody unhelpful. Why oh why did she not check her own FUCKING twitter feed before going off on Sessions. Now there’s nuance to the Dem’s argument where before it was clear cut. Nuance has no place in our current political environment. We now lose. Because “both sides do it” and “She lied too, so what’s the big deal”.

“A good prosecutor would have known these facts were relevant to the questions being asked…”



Not really the point.

Sessions was testifying under oath, and ‘forgot’ to mention at least two meetings, that is the problem. They could just have a sewing circle or a pokergame, he should have mentioned them.

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This is what people don’t get. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are. The fact that there ARE circumstances for McCaskill is what kills the Dem’s argument. With the Reps, there’s no nuance at all. It doesn’t matter that Sessions was under oath and McCaskill was on twitter. That’s not relevant. What matters to them is that she lied too. That’s the only way they will frame it and that’s enough for all the low-wattage idiots to say “yup both sides yadda yadda politics as usual” and the argument is over. We lose.

Agreed and thank you.

On the issue of Russian adoptions, I can shed some light. This falls under constituent services. Claire, and I suspect every Senator, had a lot of request from constituents to help in completing these adoptions. She had at least one staff member assigned to this full time. Mostly this has to do with navigating the red-tape of INS, passports, etc.

I had a friend who adopted in Russia and was having a very hard time getting everything processed by the US Government so her new daughter could enter the US after completing the adoption in Russia. Claire’s office cut through all the red tape and got the job done quickly.

But yoru point still stands and is a fair one. .

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C’mon Matt, she wasn’t meeting them as a member of the armed services committee. Did you bother to check with her office?

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She didn’t lie - pretty clear she was working on something else.

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