Discussion: McCarthy On Benghazi Committee Comment: 'Stop Playing Politics'

You and your brethren give less than a shit about who Ambassador Stevens was, what he was about, what he was trying to do on the nations (Libyans and world’s) behalf in his duties in the country, and the second he died honorably doing his job (along with three other Americans doing their duty in a dangerous place) all you fuckers have done is try to make crass, disgusting, partisan political hay out of it.

The dancing on the graves of these men in your lurid quest to attack President Obama and Sec. Clinton for cheap political “gain”, would put Mr. Bojangles to shame.

So kindly go fuck yourself gently with a chainsaw.


“Let’s be very clear: Benghazi is not polit­ic­al,” Mc­Carthy said when asked about his comments at a press conference with House leadership, according to National Journal. “It was cre­ated for one pur­pose and one pur­pose only: to find the truth on be­half of the fam­il­ies of the four dead Amer­ic­ans. Peri­od.”

The father of Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was murdered in a terrorist attack in Benghazi last month, has said it would be ‘abhorrent’ to turn his son’s death into political fodder in the battle for the White House. ‘It would really be abhorrent to make this into a campaign issue,’ said Jan Stevens, 77. 'The security matters are being adequately investigated. ‘We don’t pretend to be experts in security. It has to be objectively examined. That’s where it belongs. It does not belong in the campaign arena.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218117/Father-Ambassador-Chris-Stevens-says-abhorrent-play-politics-sons-death-Benghazi.html#ixzz3nujxm6sl
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So that whole vacation thing has worn off? :wink:


Who knew that the Spealkership Election was Pay-per-View?


So it seems. Having not followed closely the jackassery from the GOP and “conservatives” certainly had a mellowing effect while I was gone. But these clowns sure cured that right away since my return. :wink:


Sorry, Rep. McCarthy, that horse done left the barn. Shorter Kevin McCarthy: “Who you going to believe, me or your lying ears?”


“The integrity of Trey Gowdy” What a concept.


I’m curious: how were you able to discern what Kevin McCarthy said? Based on what Rachel Maddow showed us a few days ago, he isn’t able to speak English, or any other known language. That, apparently, is his main qualification to be Speaker.

Kevin McCarthy “This is not funny”.“This is not funny”.“This is not funny”.“This is not funny”.… Haha hahaha, Haha hahaha, Haha hahaha… Stop laughing.

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The mere fact that he can tell critics to ‘Stop Playing Politics With Benghazi’ with a straight face just show how good at lying Republicans really are.


Wait, McCarthy kept a straight face when he said that? That’s an amazing feat if he did.


Maybe if he just starts crying like Boehner everything will work out fine. LOL.

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Report released by Democrats on the Benghazi committee. Great read!


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Well that’s rich isn’t it?

McCarthy, you are the one who started the game of politics by bragging about the GoP’s developed strategy to establish a “select committee” to destroy Hillary Clinton presidential bid…so I say, let the games begin, my friend!

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Never you fear, right wingers. Benghazi may be waning, but now you can shove your Planned Parenthood hearings down our collective throats to the tune of millions.

America’s taxpayer dollars hard at work. Hope it was worth the investment.

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Can he also explain why the deaths of 4 Americans in a war-torn nation warrants 8 investigations and $4.5M but Hundreds of Americans mowed down in church, class and movie theaters gets a “stuff happens” shrug and a “we can’t do anything” response from the GOP?


Wow. This dumb bell keeps wringing his tiny brain out every time he opens his mouth. His party should be embarrassed, but shame is not in their DNA anymore.

That is rich. This fool doesn’t have English as a first language. He talks like Sarah Palin.

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What beautiful irony! The R’s are like an ever-erupting volcano: they never stop spewing!