Discussion for article #224195
\Keep given them hell Harry and keep calling them out for the do nothings they are
Right, repugs are trying so very hard to pass legislation that helps all of America and not just the 1%. Sure KEVIN.
I thought I remembered Nancy Pelosi being the hellish demon?
What in the blazes happened to that? Hey, she didn’t get one o’ them exorcisms done, did she?
Yah, if that damned Harry Reid would just put some of those GOTP jobs bills, with all the unrelated to jobs riders like rolling back the ACA, eliminating funding for women’s health issues, killing funding to NPR, give-aways to energy companies etc. then all of America’s problems would vanish into thin air! (along with many Americans quality of life).
Damn you Harry Reid!
All becuz Benghazi!!!@WQ21!11q!!!1
Of course, another Democrat or two is responsible for the r’s failure to do anything meaningful. I knew it all along
“…How do you even negotiate with the president…”
Start by trying. Start by respecting the American principle of majority rule.
Just because Can’tor is gone doesn’t mean you are no longer Republican’ts.
Yep! It’s all the demonrats, Hitlerys and Obommies fault!!q2!!!
Naw, naw. If you REALLY want to put Americans back to work, the first step is transvaginal probes. Sure, that’s the ticket - it’s basic economics!!
““The challenge has been Harry Reid,” McCarthy said on “Fox News Sunday,” blaming gridlock in Congress on the Democratic Senate Majority Leader. “The problem has been the Senate.””
Week is starting off circle J*******G. I see.
When bush and his policies were really at the bottom of the country’s problems, he was never blamed. Some neo con would just send up another cheer.
“The road to power is paved with hypocrisy.” Francis Underwood
Using the negotiating techniques of a three year old child doesn’t work with most adults does it?
I agree. That way all those ob-gyns could practice their love with women all across this country.
Don’t forget that bed of BS that the road is layed upon.:=)
McCarthy, a former Bakersfield, CA Delicatessen owner is in deep with big ag and big oil as Kern Co is part of California’s farm belt and is California’s biggest oil and gas producer. Both he and his idiot accomplice Scalise (R-LA) are a “Lubricious Duo” indeed.
Next week, for instance, House Republicans are expected to launch floor debate on bills to hasten natural gas exports and accelerate oil development in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve. But further on the horizon, both McCarthy and Scalise could help elevate debates on crude oil exports and even drive legislation to revamp the Renewable Fuel Standard, a 9-year-old law mandating steadily increasing biofuel in gasoline that refiners have criticized as unworkable…
Oil and gas interests - both individuals and political action committees associated with the sector - have contributed $150,900 to McCarthy’s 2014 reelection campaign, the fourth-biggest-giving sector in his donor list, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Not surprisingly, given the makeup of oil-rich Louisiana, the oil and
gas industry has been Scalise’s biggest donor, giving $82,100 to help
get him reelected on Nov. 4.
According to Marion Nestle:
Pro Ag did some homework and checked the lobbying database on Open Secrets.
McCarthy’s 2013-14 campaign contributions from agribusiness PACs and individuals: $226,550.McCarthy is third in rank among top House recipients of food and beverage contributions so far in 2014: $67,481.
Meanwhile, McCarthy’s district suffers from increasing water table depletion, soil salinization, fracking-related environmental impacts, the most polluted air in the nation and a host of other degradations in quality of life. I know, I used to live in this part of the world.
P.S. I forgot pesticide contamination.
This guy is talented! Amazing he can still talk while brown nosing little Ralphie Reed at the same time!
Better yet, how about respecting the President? If any Dem had thrown Dubya a tenth of the ire Obama has had to endure from some congress critters who shall remain nameless (COUGHLouieGohmertSteveKingMichelleBachmannCOUGH), they’d have been in Guantanamo before the end of the next news cycle.
Clearly you don’t grasp the extent the hellishness of Nancy Pelosi. Ask any RWN She was and still is a shrew, termagant, virago, harpy, vixen, nag, hag, crone, dragon, ogress, and that’s why she got so much done.
And tax cuts. Lots and LOTS of tax cuts!