Her grandpa is voting for Clinton too.
These days I want to know where these people who are endorsing candidates are registered to vote…Battlegrounds
If she is in AZ, it will help
This is what happens when you alienate voters. How many more like her are out there?
She’s a prisoner of conscience.
Who is her mother and father? I dont believe Meghan is married or at least has no children
She is a leader, unlike many GOPers.
People like her are like the “Reagan Democrats” except they’re for real.
McCain was married before, and has children from that marriage.
Obama’s speech was brilliant. I hope many more Republicans were just as affected as McCains granddaughter.
Oh yeah, the wife he dumped because she was disabled and not rich.
Perhaps we’ll witness the birth of the Clinton Republican.
I believe we are…
One of my Republican sisters HATES Trump more than she hates Hillary. I’m not sure how she’ll vote though.
And the reason Cindy never stays in Washington. The Washington spouses were upset at the dumping of wife number one. When Cindy showed up at the first luncheon after her marriage, the Senate wives used the first wife’s name on the place card.
I’d also like to know how many Gary Johnson Republicans there will be this time around. Equally helpful.
" … a coward who has never faced danger in his life, an insecure brat who shirked duty for comfort, and a man who is wholly unfit to serve as commander-in-chief."
Gee, I thought this was an article about Obama when I read this line.
[quote=“misterneutron, post:16, topic:41280”]
I’d also like to know how many Gary Johnson Republicans there will be this time around. Equally helpful.
[/quote]Glad you brought that up. I already know of one conservative family member who usually votes Republican, is planning to vote Johnson. Virginia is looking more solid.
But I’ve been nursing a grudge ever since. Trump’s statement, in my view, is unforgivable, and speaks to the kind of man he is: a coward who has never faced danger in his life, an insecure brat who shirked duty for comfort, and a man who is wholly unfit to serve as commander-in-chief."
In other words, he has sacrificed nothing and no one, in the immortal words of Mr. Khan at the DNC.
Somehow I don’t think Donald’s family will be plaguerizing those words anytime soon.
*Edited to remove quotation marks
I know of 3 very conservative relatives who are voting for Johnson. They would have voted for Cruz, but draw the line at Trump.