There was a lot of stuff that infuriated me about John McCain (at the top of the list is Caribou Barbie), and I disagreed with most of his politics but I am sorry to hear that it is going to end like this.
Hope he gets some good months/years out of it before it’s over. Sad for family and friends.
This is sad. Didn’t agree with him and he infuriated me but he was at least one of sane® ones. Hopefully he won’t suffer. He had enough of that in life.
I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone.
I hope though, that he has an epiphany, and doesn’t come back to the Senate to vote for taking away the healthcare for millions of others who might face similar trials. Everyone deserves to have healthcare coverage available, not just US Senators.
Not good news and I am saddened as well.
But also infuriated by the insensitivity of Donald Trump’s statement. McCain’s always been a fighter. Get well soon!
Just what planet does he live on? McCain is going to die, and sooner rather than later. Get well soon? That’s the most warmth and care Trump can muster? Does he think he’s talking about someone with a sinus infection?
He disgusts me.
Yes, perhaps out of all of this he might actually stop and think about the people who, if Trumpcare went through, would immediately be condemned to die because they can’t afford any or wildly insufficient health insurance. Or go bankrupt dealing with this unexpected calamity.
“Epiphany” is the right word. Let’s hope.
Yeah, that’s the thing: despite McCain’s mostly loathsome political beliefs, I sense that he’s a person who has some normal, loving relationships with other people. I’m pretty sure that’s not the case chez Trump - and with several of McCain’s colleagues in the Senate as well.
Cancer is terrible and no one deserves it. Not even the man who gave us Sarah Palin.
And Trump was also quoted as saying: “I prefer people who don’t get brain cancer. Okay?!”
Sadly, McCain has never been known as someone who experienced any sort of epiphany.
Still, a tumor above the eye is in a location that permits removal with far less risk of damage to language, motor and other brain functions than in many other areas, he noted.
But alas, a tumor in the Frontal Lobe causes damage to higher brain functions, generally classified as “executive function.” It also causes damage to “impulse control,” which might be evident from McCain’s repeated rude interruptions of Kamala Harris during Senate hearings.
It might be preferable to have damage somewhere other than in the center of one’s intellectual capacity. In any case, a healthy 80 year old man has a life expectancy of 8.1 years so McCain’s long term life expectancy is basically zero.
I wish Senator McCain nothing but successful treatment and a speedy recovery – and thank Lord Xenu that he has comprehensive, taxpayer-funded healthcare – but oh, the sweet, delicious irony if the GOP’s ACA repeal efforts are ultimately killed for once and for all by Scalia’s heart attack and McCain’s brain tumor.
Discussion: McCain’s Brain Tumor Is One Of The Most Aggressive
I would say Donnie’s brain tumor is biglier, quicklier, and more beautiful than McCain’s. McCain’s? Low energy. Sad!
He’s like an avuncular old uncle that I never agreed with but was somehow still fond of. The other comments here encapsulate things up pretty well, too.