Discussion: McCain: We Shouldn't Probe Trump Wiretap Claim Unless There's 'A Basis'

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Laugh all you want, but we are all waiting for McCain to get on the white horse-----and to stay there until Trump is gone.


Well youā€™d think John.
But regardless, ONE tweet from ā€˜STUPIDā€™ and the whole focus should be turned from Russia? If he has nothing to hid, why is he so obsessed with Obama.

I guess weā€™ll find out if ā€˜STUPIDā€™ can still play the media and Congress.

Has Linsey Graham jumped ship on John?

The Maverick stands alone, among the cowardly Republicans.


Duh. No shit Sherlock. You mean you donā€™t want to spend more taxpayer money to investigate absolute bullshit just to provide cover for an moron that tweets at 6 in the morning because heā€™s a delusional rage-aholic? TBD.

Hereā€™s an ideaā€¦how about you require this moron President release his taxes to Congress? If you do-nothing Republicans continue to refuse to see what connections he has to Russian oligarchs and mobsters, we will never know where Americaā€™s national security is being compromised in relation to this idiot. Donā€™t tell us what you wonā€™t doā€¦Tell us what you will do to protect the American peopleā€¦otherwise STFU.


Donā€™t worry. McCain has to burp something every so often to pretend that heā€™s ā€œindependentā€. Like Susan Collins, though, heā€™ll fall into line when the time comes.


Itā€™s his Constitutional obligation to see that Comrade Chaos is removed from office toot sweet. Until then ā€¦

Fuck You, Sid McCrashcup!

Itā€™s not a involuntary tic, itā€™s a feature.ā„¢


Youā€™re absolutely correct McCain! Where is Trumpā€™s proof of the lie heā€™s telling?


I quit waiting for McGrumpy to mount the pony in 1987.


Fuckers should just watch one episode of Maddow who has been doing an in depth investigation of Drumpfs connections, payoffs and illegal activities.
Last night it was his ties to a guy who works for Iranā€™s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
Trump is up to his ankles in shit and not one of them seems to care

Hereā€™s a link




And ever since then once and a while he appeared to be all Mavericky only to sit down with a grin and eat the shit sandwich put in front of him


The Republicans, including McInsane, are an organized crime syndicate. They will use Trump until he is a liability or expendable. Then they will do what organized crime syndicates do.


Forget riding poniesā€”I bet ā€œwalking the dogā€ is a chore, nowadays.

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Iā€™m going to buck the trend here and applaud any - literally any - GOPer who is willing to stand up to PeePeeā€™s madness if heā€™s willing to also act on his words.

Iā€™ve gotta hold out some hope that someone on that side will finally announce that this Boy Emperor is wearing no clothes and is batshit crazy!


Fixed it for us both


Every single Republican in Congress should be echoing precisely what Senator McCain said. If they donā€™t, they are enabling the destruction of our Constitutional system of government.


The reason we are waiting for the McUnicain is that Obama wonā€™t step up to the plate, in my opinion.
It is incumbent on the former POTUS to respond forcefully and directly to the criminal charges with the current POUTUS has so casually disseminated with his thumbs.

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Oh, look! Gramps McPalin is giving another theatrical performance of testicular fortitude, until Donald calls him a loser - a bigly, captured loser! - at which time Johnny Boyā€™s spine of lime Jell-O will surely return.
Gee, Iā€™m surprised Lindsey ā€œBlanche DuBlahā€ Graham isnā€™t by his side, fanning himself to prevent a case of the vapors and spouting his usual phony righteous indignation.


Oh insignificant one, please return to your recliner and continue watching the cartoons. The white house channel is now on 24/7 with updates every 30 minutes, quicker if tweets arrive.

After the savings and loan scandal of the 80s, which McCain was so deep in Iā€™m surprised he wasnā€™t halfway to Beijing, if not for the media elevation of him to his phony ā€œMaverickā€ status (letā€™s face it - he ainā€™t no James Garner!), John McCain would be pumping gas in Flagstaff instead of passing gas in the Senate chamber.