Discussion for article #225657
McClown I think you meant to say there are no high crimes and misdemeanor there to impeach him on.
“There aren’t the votes” McCain continued, “Plus there’s the tricky thing about not breaking any laws.”
Emphasizing, once again, that impeachment is a political process, not a legal one.
We know there are not enough votes in the senate. No one has to tell us that McCain is just throwing the word impeachment around to try and make Obama look bad. It is the Congressional equivalent of infantile name calling. Which seems to be all McCain is capable of anymore.
No, you don’t have the votes in the Senate to convict on impeachment charges. But there are ample votes in the House to impeach Obama.
Because the black guy issues executive orders, he’s lawless. Don’t let those 42 white guys who did the same thing before Obama fool ya. When a black guy does it, it’s lawless.
BTW, Grumpy. The Senate has no power to impeach. They hold the sole power to try after impeachment. The power of impeachment lies solely with the House.
I am so tired of this cranky old curmudgeon sucking up all the O2 in the media atmosphere. Shut up and sit down, and let some other politician– preferably a Democrat for once–talk some sense. McCain is the poster child for grumpy, infantile, addle-pated, washed-up has-beens. I can’t recall him saying anything intelligent or apropos since before he even ran for President. His VP pick alone should have been enough to shame him forever and keep him off the Sunday shows.
Crash pilot Grumpy is still pissed off because a black man who is half white kicked his ass
Every time some punk-ass Republican blandly says Obama is the worst abuser of presidential power they’ve ever seen, I keep wondering if nobody in this widely ignorant country remembers a president named Nixon. Is he now a semimythical figure from the millennia past, like King Arthur? That seems to be how people think of him if they think of him at all.
Well, yeah, obviously. So what’s yer point?
The WORST of what Nixon did PALES in comparison to what the Kenyan Mooslim usurper does EVERY DAY. Why, Obama just being in the WHITE House is considered a crime by various highly-unregarded Constitutional scholars. And, Nixon was never uppity.
If Nancy Pelosi were not so high-class, she’d probably regret her “Impeachment is off the table” statement - made back in 2006-2007 - right about now. I only hope we get to call her “Madame Speaker” again, real soon.
“There just aren’t the votes there even if we believed that it was warranted,”
Asshole. Couldn’t resist the urge - if you don’t “believe[d] it was warranted,” then shut yer festerin’ gob about even considering it in the first place.
Worse. Now they consider him a sympathetic figure.
“If you’re going to be suspended for the season for using a bad substance, WHICH the only person you hurt is yourself, and then you knock someone unconscious THAT’S a woman – I don’t get it. I don’t get it.”
English is another thing McCain does not get.
just like the votes “just weren’t there” for you in 2008, huh John?
Wrong, McCain. The House has the votes to impeach Obama. And after the election, the House will repeatedly vote out Articles of Impeachment. They do not care that they can’t get 67 Senators to convict Obama. They hate Obama so much that they will continually vote out Impeachment articles. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them vote out articles as many times as they’ve voted to repeal Obamacare.
I don’t. Letting Bush off the hook was the biggest mistake Pelosi made. Which is why she and Hoyer have to go.