Discussion: McCain: 'Regular Order' Can Counter 'Poorly Informed,' 'Impulsive' Trump


Bold talk, sir. Let’s see how you VOTE, Mr. Senator.


Good luck; we’re all counting on you.

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Praiseworthy sentiments McCain, pity they are decades too late: From Newt to Mitch, the Republicans have suborned regular order while lying to mask and sell a reactionary policy agenda most Americans wouldn’t like if they understood its consequences.

The real regular order required to make congress work wouldn’t just require Republicans give up more of that agenda than their plutocratic sponsors would like, it would require they admit to their base they’ve been lying to them about its real contents. That would be honorable but political suicide so (most) Republicans won’t do it; full stop.


‘…bad boys…Koch Bros spank…’

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"Sen. John McCain […] argued for a return to “regular order” in Congress…."

Which, considering their record of the last several years, means doing nothing or doing damage.


“Regular order”? Where has he been the last 6-7 years? McCain frustrates me more than any other politician in the country.


There will never be regular order with McConnell in the Senate.


While one might suspect that a serious and potentially fatal health issue might make one a bit more “mavericky,” it is voting that really matters. We’ll see if behavior matches his words.


We already know. He voted against returning to regular order during the healthcare voterama scant minutes after saying basically this same thing.


Now that the GOP has failed in its effort to repeal the ACA through reconciliation and succeeded in its year long campaign to steal a Supreme Court seat by ignoring its constitutional duties it is time to return to regular order. Except for tax cut bills.

@greysea Yup.


Even in his newly recognized desire for ‘regular order’ McCain still leans toward the my way or the highway style of legislating.

He laughingly assumes that the left isn’t playing along if they don’t meet the right half way on tax cuts for the rich or massive military spending.
Neither of these is regular to the regular folks but 7 house war dog McCain is completely in ‘his’ comfort zone pushing for others to join him. Which-btw-will never happen because they are fighting words and fighting proposals that guarantee conflict not ease tensions or bring sides together.

The window of opportunity opened and has closed on McCain being bigger than the problems that he is a part of.

Maybe so grampah…that is if the child is 10 yrs old or older…

There will never be regular order with THE GOP in the Senate.



I have a feeling that should it come to pass that the Congress admit that they have lying to their base won’t have an effect on some part of or all of Trumpy’s followers.
Trumph could personally give a speech in which he said, “I am a Con man. It’s been a Con job all along. I lied and will continue to lie to you every time I open my mouth, cause you fall for it every time, you magnificent suckers you!”
He will have followers still. Ardent followers.


Personally can’t stand Mr. McLame and have let him know it with multiple emails to his US email box.

That said, his final vote on healthcare demolition plus his insistence on “returning to RO” gives me a sense that he’s got a hard-on for Bitch McConnell, not to mention Mangolini; and he’s itching to be the wrench in the gears as his career heads toward sundown. He might just pull a true ‘Indy’ posture during voting this month.

And rest assured, if this hunch is wrong i’ll be the first one to accept all the ridicule hereabouts while heaping the largest portion right on MYSELF.

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“[S]pending levels for defense and other urgent priorities have been woefully inadequate for years,”

Yeah, about that…pretty sure we spend more than the next 7 biggest military spenders combined. And the “defense” spending you want doesn’t even help our troops. It only helps military contractors make and sell things that our military doesn’t even need. Then when they don’t use it, it filters down to militarize our local law enforcement.

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Doing nothing is about the best we can hope for until 2019

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A rubber room would work too!

Republican conservative economic policies are starving the middle class and destroying our ability to compete.

Tax the middle class, and give their money to the wealthy so the middle class can fight for the scraps? That’s the plan?

Trickle Down doesn’t work. It’s a scam.