Discussion: McCain: No Republican Can Win In 2016 If We Block Immigration Reform

Discussion for article #223751

Soā€¦ Hillary then?


Heā€™s not entirely wrong this time. Personally I think even if republicans passed the Senate bill at this late date wouldnā€™t give them much of an edge, but it would probably at least keep them in the game for the next few decades.

As it is, they are clearing the way for Hilary to pass viable IR in her first term and locking down the growing Hispanic vote for the rest of anyone reading thisā€™s life.


P.S. - Itā€™s not just immigration, or any one thing. Until your party regains its sanity itā€™ll be Democrats as far as the eye can see.


Democrats need to learn to vote in off year elections too. Or we will continue to see this crazy vote swing every two years.


While I agree with McCain that the GOP does not stand a chance if it continues to block immigration reform,

Most people think the GOP will lose in 2016 even if it does pass immigration reform.

So the question most in the GOP are asking is not how will it affect the presidential race but how will it affect my race. If immigration is a settled issue, how would the voters who currently vote on that issue vote in the future. Will resolving the immigration issue result in a net gain or loss to the GOP.

I think the GOP in the congress and senate would say, and I think they would be right, that resolving immigration will cost the GOP votes. That is it will turn many of its own voter off from voting, cause the to vote for fringe parties, or worst of all turn them into economic or DEM voters.

That is for every Hispanic vote the GOP might gain by resolving immigration it will lose at least three votes most of which will become Dem voters.

Which brings up the real problem for the GOP. To win a national election the GOP has got to moderate its economic policy.

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Thirty two years representing AZ and heā€™s still kicking around immigration reform.


Chicken Little was in the woods one day when an acorn fell on his head. It scared him so much he trembled all over. John stop shaking and flip flopping no one is listening.


The group that supports Obamacare the most: ā€¦Hispanics.

They may want to drop the ā€œrepeal Obamacareā€ nonsense, too.


Heā€™s not entirely wrong, but his sentence is too long by five words. ā€œNo Republican can win in 2016ā€ would be a fine place to stop. The trouble with McCain is that he never knows when to stop.


Hereā€™s the thing, John, it doesnā€™t matter what you do because your party still isnā€™t going to do any better than Romney. 2016 is already gearing up to be yet another game of How Far Right Can You Get. Every candidate will be asked if they approve of the new immigration reform law and Cruz, Paul, Santorum, etc will all chime in about how awful it is, that itā€™s amnesty, that illegals are pouring across the border to get in at an even higher rate than before, that theyā€™re costing Americans more jobs, etc. Theyā€™ll simply bash the hell out of reform. The pro-reform candidates will lose on that issue alone.

Secondly, the problems with Republicans and Latino voters are very similar to the ones Black voters have with Republicans:

  1. Their policies are horrible, and either donā€™t address or exacerbate the problems in our communities. Minority voters tend to skew more liberal on most issues, particularly economic ones. The Republicans economic policies are not only anathema to minority communities, theyā€™re actually dangerous and hurt minorities far more than any other group.

  2. They talk to and about us in the most insulting, racist, and demeaning terms. From the constant dog whistling to the clearly hateful and racist, white people may not get it but minorities do and every single time.

  3. Republican voters are so batshit and openly racist that even if you were inclined to agree with their policies, you certainly know you donā€™t want these terrible peopleā€™s chosen candidate in charge.

  4. The obviously racist attacks on Obama have turned off all minorities from the Republican Party. Just because it isnā€™t aimed at them specifically doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t hear it too.

This isnā€™t something that can be fixed by simply passing one law. Passing a new VRA, for instance, isnā€™t going to get Black voters to return to the Republican Party. Itā€™s going to take time for Latino voters to forgive Republicans and forgiveness will be based on how the GOP behaves going forward. Unless you can somehow put a muzzle on folks like Louie Gohmert and Steve King, Republicans are going to continue to make mean and offensive comments. Passing immigration reform would be great but itā€™s not going to change a damn thing.


McCain constantly shifts his position on immigration reform, depending on which way the political winds blow. He has no core convictions, except to keep his ageing ass in the Senate and on TV. What a phony!


Oh look, ā€˜Maverick Johnā€™ is in control of Sybil todayā€¦


I would say itā€™s almost impossible for the GOP to hold the Senate in 2016. Dems would have to screw up in some fantastically horrifying way for that to happen. Rs will have 24 seats up for grabs and some are in very blue states. Dems will have 12 and all but one is in a very blue state. The only question would be whether or not they can take the House.


But no Republican can win the 2016 primary if they support immigration reform, so I suppose the Republican standard-bearers will have to denounce immigration reform while secretly hoping every other Republican supports immigration reform because of leadership and personal responsibility and country first and stuff.

Iā€™m sure brilliant minds like Reince Priebus have it all figured out.


the republicans will.loose the presidency no matter who they nominate. they have offended every voting block except heterosexual male WASP.


Iā€™m sorryā€¦are we talking about the ā€œBuild the dang fenceā€ Johnny McWar or ā€œwhichever way the winds blow because political opportunism is needed to win electionsā€¦and Iā€™m a maverick!ā€ Johnny McWar? I get those two sooo confused.

Shitā€¦the one thing I know is this isnā€™t any kind of new compassion for immigrants (particularly Hispanic immigrants) and their families or the state of perpetual limbo theyā€™ve been in by McWar. And the CoC is only interested in cheap laborā€¦so they donā€™t count as looking out for immigrants for reasons based on ā€œcompassionate conservatismā€ either.


Well DUH, mcPlain!


But without racism you lose your base, Johnny. The fact you didnā€™t embrace it hard enough is why that other guy won in 2008.


Wish I had your faith in sanity