When Bannon’s liabilities exceed his assets, he’ll find Other Opportunities.
On The Outside.
It’s called Running Government Like a Business.
Wow, the “mavericky” thing has kicked in again. Maybe they can arrange a spine implant for Lindsey Gal, and we’d have a Trump tag-team.
And Mike Cernovich, a popular conspiracy-minded journalist and provocateur, has alleged without evidence that McMaster has a drinking problem.
Yeah. The problem is that, unlike Bannon, McMaster is unable to finish off an entire bottle of gin in a single afternoon.
They are NOT alt-right
They are NOT neo-nazis
They are NOT white nationalists
They ARE Republicans. Period.
Aawwwww. Donnie thought his statement today would put the Nazi thing behind him. Bless his little heart.
And Mike Cernovich, a popular conspiracy-minded journalist and provocateur, has alleged without evidence that McMaster has a drinking problem.
I wouldn’t trust any man who could work with Donald Trump on a day to day basis without becoming a raging alcoholic.
Bravo, John McCain. I hope you continue like this, and go out like a lion.
Oh, and that you knife our Mr. Trump repeatedly in the back as you go. The positioning McCain has articulated here is close to brilliant. And very very mean.
Popular. With lawyers and bail bondsmen.
a drinking problem.
So a tool of gin-blossomed Bannon says McMaster has a drinking problem?!?!?
The gym-buff General seems so tightly wrapped and put-upon by garbage like Bannon that I’d recommend an occasional drink.
His very little, minuscule, stone-cold heart.
How can we bless something that three sizes too small?
See, there’s actually a good side of the internet.
I live in Arizona, and John McCain is an asshole - but right now he is my asshole.
Brilliant and mean. A winning combo when dealing whit shitweasels like 45.
The living epitome of the word “drunk”.
You owe me $16.00. That photo just killed my buzz.
Seems like this Administration isn’t big enough for McMaster and Bannon. Trump will soon have to make a decision. Fire Bannon and anger his base or fire McMaster and anger establishment Republicans who hold his Presidency in their hands.
I guess I’m lucky then because I had already shrunk the picture down by 50% or it would have cost me double…
You’re lucky I’m not sending you the Stanley Steamer bill for cleaning the rug I puked on.