Discussion: McCain Doesn't Regret Calling Protesters 'Low-Life Scum' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #232726

Wonder what McCain thought of the buffer zones in Boston (struck down by SCOTUS).

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You old worthless fool.

It is embarrassing to be an Arizonan!

And NO, I did not vote for this old has-been!

It is sickening what a sore loser he continues to be!! I am so glad President Obama cleaned his clock in the 2008 presidential election! Now, if we can just get a good strong dem or indy to kick this guy to the curb, once and for all.


Not surprised. Other things McCain doesn’t regret:

Singing a rendition of that classic song, “Bomb, bomb Iran” on the campaign trail;
Saying “the fundamentals of our economy are strong” on the campaign trail as the economy began to go belly-up;
Calling Barack Obama “That one” at a campaign event;
Pronouncing Iraq safe while he walked through its streets with a heavy security detail;
Being photographed with a Syrian rebel who would later be identified as a member of ISIS;
and the ever-popular,
Selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate.


So Senator, if a group of screaming Anti-Abortion protesters - crowd & surround & terrify a woman trying to walk into a woman’s health clinic, if they get mere inches from her face and shout ‘whore - whore- whore’ ‘murderer’ and other more deranged hateful things - and make her frightened for her physical well being …are they scum? … Senator we can’t hear you … please speak up.


“I’m a grumpy old man – I just gotta be me!”

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John McCain never made it to admirals rank. The guys in the film Animal House would have called
him a “legacy” because his father and grandfather were admirals. We should call him “Flounder”.


In other news, Henry Kissinger is still a despicable war criminal and Dictator Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.


No Senator this is what low life scum look like,BTW you were silent on this I believe:


I don’t agree with Kissinger or McCain’s professed love for him.

I also don’t agree with the outrageous and pointless antics of the Code Pink crowd. I think they’re in the same league as PETA, serving to discredit the cause they claim to support.

It all makes sense. It is alleged that McCain had conflicts with his superiors and graduated 5th from the bottom of his class - 894th of 899. He’s a hot head, lacking in humility.

Someone PLEASE get this tiresome war-mongering attention-whore off my teevee.


In a related story John McCain was just heard yelling “get off my lawn” at children playing catch at a pre-super bowl party in his Phoenix neighborhood.


“Low-life scum”? Is he talking about the Palins?


“Gov. Palin is the foremost energy expert in America and is the most qualified person to be my vice presidential running mate”.

How in Gods name is this pathetic shmendrick still allowed to pimp himself on Sunday TV? What really bugs me is that CBS, NBC, ABC and even PBS treats this “Low-Life Scum” Senator as if he had a single good idea in his fat little head!


How many civilians did you bomb, Mr. Hero? Kissinger is a sick sociopathic war criminal and you’re soliciting his advice? They have every right in this country to call for his arrest you senile old has been.


I’m sure Jonathon Chait is concerned that McCain is trying to stifle the free exchange of ideas. He just hasn’t gotten around to writing about it yet. There is someone somewhere on twitter saying something mean using 140 characters or less that needs his attention.

Regret is a weakness that afflicts only those with a conscience.


I think John is living in the wrong country… Russia would suit him better.

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