Oooh, that’s gonna leave a mark…
Wonderful thought and a better burn, Senator McCain…
A Hispanic woman? Yeah, that’s gonna resonate with Republicans.
For all his faults, for all the mistake beliefs McCain had, he was a class guy.
Really a shame he didn’t stipulate it in his will … or at least that voters should choose his successor, not the generic GOP POS governor. Why DO these guys all look alike - chubby, sweaty, starting to lose their hair …
Republican central casting…
Sorry John, that ain’t gonna happen.
Does anyone know the nature of the ongoing relationship between McCain and Ducey over the years?
he will not announce McCain’s successor until after his internment.
As someone else pointed out on another McCain story, it’s “interment” not “internment.” Huge difference between the two words.
What a stupid thing for Rick Davis to say to make McCain look better than he was. If McCain really cared about who would replace him, he would have retired earlier this year when there would have been time to have a special election for the seat. Of course McCain knew what type of person the Republican governor of the state would appoint.
At this point, it would be nice to have someone who isn’t a stark raving RWNJ.
Not sure who is helped by McCain endorsement.
June, 2018 poll:
I believe Ducey is required by law to pick a Republican for the replacement.
Do any Republican Hispanic women exist in AZ??
Apparently, no.
I expect the Gov to either appoint Cindy or more likely himself.
Perhaps if McCain lived in a blue state he would have run and served as a Democrat. Despite his actual record he seems to be well liked more by us than by his own party.
I think this has more to do with how people perceive his reactions to individual-1. Dems readily embrace anyone who dis-invites the orange one from their funeral, in addition to shady zingers lobbed by McCain during the orange reign of terror/error.
That doesn’t matter a bit to Ducey, who has pledged his fealty to the Dotard. He probably has Sister Sarah Palin all lined up to take the job. She may not be hispanic, but when she moves to Sedona, she can see Mexico from her back porch.
Well last I saw of RWNJ former Governor Brewer she had the extremely weathered face of a person who had been left out to dry in the desert sun for too long. Closest thing the GOPers have to a Latina immigrant field hand I suppose. But then in spite of her right wing creds she brought the Az lege to a halt until they accepted Medicaid expansion, aka Obamacare, so that revealed her susceptibility to having a smidge of decency and un-dotardian fealty so there goes her chances of being a place holder for Ducey.
It might … when Hell freezes over.
I can think of a couple Hispanic women who would make good senators but for the fact they’re democrats… by Arizona law Gov. Ducey must pick a GOPer to replace a GOPer… So, by November Arizona will have two freshman Senators in DC. Our primary today is to pick dem and GOPer challengers for Jeff Flake’s seat. Gov. Ducey will do the honors for the other vacancy.