“It’s not a disease that most people diagnosed with are successful at fighting.”
The man deserves an honorary MD from the Rick Perry Medical School.
Seriously, am I the only one who remembers John McCain, himself a torture victim, flipping on the issue in order to win the GOP primary in 2008?
Oh, please. McCain’s “maverick ways” are pure fiction. He was, is and always will be just as bad as the rest of the Greedy Odious Pricks.
Fuck Sid McCrashcup!™
He has a golden opportunity to write a very significant last chapter for himself–potentially the most consequential chapter of his career–and caucus with the Democratic party. But he can’t do it. Just not patriotic enough, in the final analysis. Just not good enough a man.
Because Arizona law requires the Governor to fill a Senate vacancy with someone from the same party as the Senator whose seat became vacant, if McCain truly put “country over party” he would change his registration from GOP to Dem, thus forcing Gov. Ducey to replace him with a Dem after he dies.
Talk is cheap, Senator.
Voting isn’t.
What a load of BS. McCain was never a “maverick”, he was a toe-the-line-republican every time: he never went against the party when it mattered. He was elected over & over again by voters in a horribly racist state, the same state that elected Joe Arpaio over & over again.
Sure he talked the “maverick” line, but he always walked the conservative “screw everybody” line. He voted against the ACA, and voted with the GOP/TRUssia to appoint all sorts of criminal incompetents to the most powerful posts in the US Govt.
His leaving the Senate will make no difference to the well-being of the USA, unless Arizonan’s come to their senses and elect a Democrat. Not bloody likely!
Like so many republicans (see: Comey) he wears a shiny gold suit of armor to wow the People, but inside he’s a nasty greedy little gnome (see: “gnomes of Zurich”) (see: Sessions, & all the other TRUssia supporters).
And why can’t you replace him? Because the Republican Party has long gone to the Dark Side.
People give McCain far too much credit for that moment when he shut up a woman at a rally who said Obama’s a Muslim This doesn’t represent a “strong pushback”, it’s a mewl. He could have and should have said “He’s an American citizen born in the US and a decent family man.”
“No ma’am,” McCain said. “He’s a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about.”
I’ve seen that clip replayed so many times. While McCain at least didn’t give credence to that woman’s worry that Obama was a Muslim, it wasn’t a very full-throated defense of Obama’s citizenship. McCain had the perfect opportunity to strongly say, “This kind of nonsense needs to stop now. I will urge every Republican to put a halt to these citizenship questions about Obama.” He didn’t do anything even close to that.
Absolutely. Candidates at bottom are afraid of their base, and in this moment none so more than McCain. He could have redeemed his sorry ass, spoken out for the sake of establishing a legacy of being brave and honest when it mattered but decided to go squishy
Well I agree with what most of you have said, but there have been on an occasion or two where he did stick it to his party,at least in words if not deeds. So my wish is that before he is gone he gives some one his Twitter password so that some one can still heckle Trump and tweak his party’s message.
I guess AP has gotten tired of having their deathwatch reporter sit around with nothing to do. Talk about hagiography. Let’s also not forget that those good old no-partisan-rancor days in Arizona were so corrupt that they murdered reporters in broad daylight for writing about them.
McCain: not quite as evil or corrupt as the rest of the GOP. What a legacy.
I know it’s not traditional to speak ill of the dead and dying, but totally omitting reference to the Keating 5 scandal seems going a bit too far.
I don’t understand the point of this article. As a coda to a patriot’s life, it’s very weak tea. And as news, well, no news was broken here. Just a -dare I say- boring rehash of stuff we already knew.
He has a few disagreements with the mainline GOP policies, but the core values of greed, corruption, and hurting the less fortunate are still part of his ideology.
Yeah I kept wondering where the adaptions to Trump Era with Tweets incorporating Marverickyness were.
Right? He’s so “mavericky”, I guess he’s adapted to tweeting in the Trump era by not tweeting?
I mean, unless I missed it, the article identifies not a single tweet by McCain! And yet that headline…