Discussion: McCaffrey Changes Opinion On Flynn After Reading 'Nearly Demented' Tweets (VIDEO)

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Flynn: Demented; sure, I am a white conservative Republican.


“But I must admit,” McCaffrey said, “I’m now extremely uneasy about some of these tweets, which don’t sound so much as if they are political skullduggery, but instead border on being demented. So I think we need to look into this and sort our what’s going on here.”

You and anyone else not of the Trumpanzee persuasion, boychik.


Instead of thoughtful, reasoned discourse we’re going to have a president who ‘tweets’. Instead of someone who reads and is intellectually curious we’re going to have a president with the attention span and temperment of a ferret on meth. The new administration won’t hold press conferences- they’ll just fire off a pungent tweet. Tweet tweet. Poot-poot. And you thought you’d left middle school behind. Tweet. Tweet. Poot-poot. Can I ask a follow-up Tweet-tweet, poot-poot?


border on being demented

If we follow the Petraeus-Broadwell model, Twitter should be punished…


“But I must admit,” McCaffrey said, “I’m now extremely uneasy about some of these tweets, which don’t sound so much as if they are political skullduggery, but instead border on being demented.

Have you read Trump’s tweets sir?


“Flynn is the best intelligence officer of his generation,” he said at the time.

And what is our basis for comparison. Who was the worst? Who was the most effective. Even if he was “the best”, which I doubt without objective proof. He was a terrible manager. That’s why he was fired. In his line of work, you are only as good as your team. By that criterion, he was a miserable failure, you abominable fucking stooge of a militarist.


A little late to the party, Barry, but welcome to sanity. Please speak up in front of cameras as often as you’d like.


You want more scrutiny? Didn’t you get the memo that scrutiny is for liberal pantywaists?


The entire incoming administration is set to ravage the country. For anyone that hunts or fishes - well you might not want to eat what you catch after they gut the EPA. Interested in that new medication you have been hearing about on TV - think twice, his pick for the FDA doesn’t think drug companies should have to prove a drug is effective before they sell it. Thinking about taking up some extra hours at the job - it won’t be long that you will be paid overtime for any hours over 40/week since he doesn’t think workers need protections (that includes safety folks). Finding your credit card is nickle and diming you with fees - expect it get worse, not better under a Trump administration.

There is nothing this administration will do to make life better for the average person.


“I think we need to look into this and sort out what’s going on here.”

If only there were some institution whose job was to “look into” things and “sort out what’s going on”…

To ask questions like…oh, I don’t know…maybe “Who?”, “What?”, “Where?”, “When?” and “Why?”

(Sometimes, “How?”)

Maybe a corps of professional chroniclers, to inform citizens, and…say…report newsworthy information.

If only we had something like that.


The spouse went off this morning after the heavily jeweled CBS anchor team chuckled warmly at Trump’s tweeting…
But, the glamorizing continues apace…I caught a MSNBC image spot of Trump images all gussied up to seem like Roosevelt at Yalta, disgusting but thankfully a commercial break so I didn’t have to see Mrs. Greenspan.


Don’t question Trump and the Keystone Kabinet. They’ll all tweet at you !


“Dog Whistling, We Hardly Knew Ye”


Which makes POSPEOTUS, “ruler of the mean-tweets”


Generals. Lets talk. I spent a dozen years in the Army and my father was a General Office when he retired. Generals ( a term that comes from generally or broadly qualified as opposed to specifically like infantry or logistics ) are members of what’s almost a private club. They have few bosses unlike most in the military and their day to day operations involve a boat load of politics. But they are of singular experience. Military. My father was adamantly opposed to Generals being given positions in government and was a general. They really haven’t lived in the real world and their skill sets have zero applicability to civilian governmental affairs. American’s are in awe of them and love them so they accept Trump putting them in charge of much of their lives. But I can guarantee you’re gonna hate it. In a sense generals have lived the same privileged life Trump has. All around them MUST be yes men. Must agree or go to the brig. You don’t uncork that genie and unleash it outside of the Green Machine.

This will suck.


“He and Gen. Stan McCrystal and Dave Petraeus are the reason we haven’t had a dozen 9/11s since then.”

I know only hero worship is allowed when it comes to the military, but our military intervention in Kuwait (the first gulf war) and the decision to leave troops in Saudi Arabia was the primary reason for 9/11.


Wait, is that a voice of reason out there in the distance? It’s depressing to think that we even need someone to state the obvious; and then when he does, I feel this enormous sense of relief that I’m not going completely insane.


Think how silly that comment is. Who really thinks Jihadists give a rats as about American generals. Leaders of an Military that hasn’t won a significant victory since WW2 and only has a half million young men buried in Arlington to show for its last 75 years of efforts. If these Generals could stop ISIS or Al Q they would. They can’t. They know that. The reason we’ve not had more 9/11’s is there’s no need for them. They’ve already goaded the USA into a never ending fiasco in the South Asia and the Middle East so why do they need more goading?

Generals aren’t a solution for shit. They’ve nothing to show for more than half a century of their ‘generaling’ and most of them are fucking egomaniacal to the point of being insane.


I’m hoping they won’t start a war
I’m hoping they don’t crash the economy
I’m hoping they don’t privatize Medicare
I’m hoping they don’t turn SS over to Wall St
I’m hoping they don’t dismantle Obamacare
I’m hoping they don’t dismantle the EPA
I’m hoping they don’t make abortion illegal

Not much hope is there?