Oh, my! Dearest Lindsey looks quite the fuckhead, doesn’t he?!
(1) Provable
(2) Evidence of the Progression of the GOP (especially McConnell) into a Trump Cult
Trump is an idiot for going after the FBI, those guys will be there long after he is out of the White House, and he and his spawns have a long history of dodgy deals.
I hope Donnie two scoops chews on that all day long.
There is a lot of explaining to do to the millions of people…
Oh and I’m looking forward to it and so are Schiff, Cummings and Waters.
That gang of 8 will have to be destroyed!
Now that Bezos is going to squeeze the National Inquirer, while he is at it, he should find out what kind of pictures do they have on Lindsey Graham, bet there are some involving boys and mar-a-lago.
Boy, toys, and Maralago.
Well, to be honest, he’s looked like that for a long time, especially during his hissy fit at the Kavanaugh hearing.
I’m so sick of spinning down this fucking whirlpool.
Et tu, McTurtle? My my. Donnie’s gonna have a fit about this.
It won’t be long before several GOPers come forward to assert McCabe is mischaracterizing their reactions. When pressed to say just how McCabe is doing so they’ll say their statement stands on its own and shuffle off to some alleged pressing committee hearing.
Treason! Conspiracy! Deep State! They all go to the bathroom together with each other’s permission but not mine! RIGGED WITCH HUNT! Lock them all up! I demand it! Harumph, harumph!
You don’t suppose any of those non-objecting senators told Trump what was going on, do you?
That’s exactly the point. They let Fox and PG do their own dirty work.
Donnie is not going to be pleased I think Ms. Lindsey is going to be taken to the wood shed for this lapse.
Who is PG?