Discussion: McCabe: My Chats With Comey About Trump May Fall Under Mueller's Purview

This is either a stonewall or the tip of the Mueller iceberg.


“I think those [conversations] fall within the scope of issues investigated by the special counsel and it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to comment on those today,” he replied when pressed further.

On what legal basis?

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How is this refusal to respond not contempt of Congress? It’s not like they were asking McCabe to implicate himself, as he’s not the subject of any investigation. No, they were just asking whether Comey had said anything to him… which he could easily have done.


I don’t quite understand how a president can order someone not to say what he’s said to them. Especially if it seems like something illegal.

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If the full extent of Trump’s sprawling traitorous, criminal administration is ever exposed, it will truly dwarf Watergate. I’m old enough to have watched the Watergate hearings; in hind-sight, Nixon will be considered a small-time grifter compared to Trump’s crimes and betrayals. Impeachment cannot happen soon enough.

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As i understood the exchange during this morning’s testimony, McCabe couldn’t detail the nature of those conversations because they were being included within the scope of Mueller’s criminal investigation of the T rump regime. Revealing the details of those conversations to the Committee would be leaking evidence against T rump to be used in a much deeper investigation. Their refusal to answer didn’t have anything to do with executive privilege.They had everything to do with Mueller’s criminal investigation that stands to have much more integrity that any investigation that Congress can put together. The Dems were right to push, but their follow-ups confirmed (to me) that the reason they were refusing to answer was because the couldn’t. If they could, they would, but they can’t. Legally, they can’t, or that would jeopardize the broader criminal investigation that is surrounding every member of the T rump family. That criminal investigation is much bigger than collusion with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.


Trump .nominates---- I mean Tweet-inates Wray for FBI chief… FBI incensed.

I am not sure creating a constitutional crisis should be as easy as Trump is making this one. It needs to unfold over a reasonable period of time. McCabe should be willing to talk considering Comey comments about the conversation and he told McCabe that Trump was dubious about McCabe given his wife’s contributions to Hillary.

McCabe and Mr Mueller----------


Republican control Congress. Who is going to charge them with contempt?


Hopefully, the American people.

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