Discussion: Mayor Of Paris: We Are Going To Sue Fox News For Defamation (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #232244

I can’t even imagine the trampy attire FOX will wear to distract jurors when it takes the witness stand…


That’s why FOX apologized. FOX can make up shit about the USA but another country DOES give a rat’s ass about their BS. I hope they are successful.


About time someone has the gumption to make Fox News pay for their unlawful conduct.


If everyone sued FOX for their distortions and lies, they would be out of business.


One can only hope.


Hey, Marianne, what’s your game now, can anybody play?*

*I know the lyric is ‘Carrie Anne’, btw…license you know.

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If successful, Paris should demand that the settlement be that Faux Noise, Lies & Propaganda be required to have a permanent disclaimer running on the bottom of the screen that says: "MOST OF WHAT IS PRESENTED AS TRUTH ON THIS CHANNEL IS IN ACTUAL FACT BULLSHIT!!!"


Please include Goobernut Booby Jindal too. Thank you,


A Lawsuit would be much less effective than Fox becoming an international Joke Butt.

Of course, Fox viewers would NOT get it… but it’d give another excuse for knitting their knockers--------
I mean Knotting their Knickers.

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Please make the fine crippling and prohibitively expensive for Fox News Channel to continue.
Please make the fine crippling and prohibitively expensive for Fox News Channel to continue.
Please make the fine crippling and prohibitively expensive for Fox News Channel to continue.
Please make the fine crippling and prohibitively expensive for Fox News Channel to continue.
Please make the fine crippling and prohibitively expensive for Fox News Channel to continue.


awesome. go after that lie machine.





Is there some kind of Parislegal defense fund I can give to?


Hip, Hip Hooray!

Maybe Cameron and Birmingham will chip in and add Bobby aka Booby Jindal to the suit.


Those Frenchies are so litigious.

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Or the mayor could just ask Rupert for a duel.

If he asked Roger for the duel, Rupert might well be tempted enough by the ratings potential to make him do it.

This is great news.

FOX would have been off the air long ago if the American MSM had simply done their job. I consider Chuck Todd infinitely more dangerous (because of the “false equivalent” bullshit) than Hannity.

As it is, a sizable number of dumbed-down “Independents” pay no attention to the evils of FOX and the Republicans, because, thanks to the Todds and Blitzers of the MSM, both parties are seen to be on equal sides of some imaginary political 50-yard line.

I hope that the French follow through with the lawsuit.

In a way, ALL the Europeans are going to have to get together and do something about FOX. Think about this: 2014 was the hottest year on record and FOX has this as not meaning ANYTHING. But this does not bode well for people in the Netherlands, Belgium, parts of the U.K., etc, (places where sealevel rise is a critical problem)because action on Climate Change is stunted in the U.S. (which DOES have an influence on worldwide climate) due, in large part, because of the presence of FOX “news”.


This isn’t about freedom of the press. Fox is free to say whatever they want, including things that are completely untrue and without any factual foundation. They are also free to enjoy the consequences of doing that, and it’s about time somebody stepped up and punished them for their lies. The apology means nothing…because they make no effort to report the truth in the first place.