Discussion: Maureen Dowd Defends Column About Beau Biden: It Is 'Accurate'

Discussion for article #242220

So, be careful what you read in the NYT about what you read in the NYT, because the NYT might not be accurate.


Is there an reason that Dowd still gets prime space in the NYT nowadays? Aside from spewing bile at Hillary regularly, does she actually add anything?


Unbelievable. BIDen Politicizing HIS SON’s BRAIN cancER by Contradicting Maureen DOWD. ONLY from a LiBTARd!11!!!one!!1!!!


Hillary Dowd, Hillary Dowd … hmm, sounds vaguely familiar from the 80s or '90s. I dimly remember people used to read her in the olden days. Or something.

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OMG, it’s actually Maureen Dowd! Sounds even less familiar. LOL

She’s the biggest reason I cancelled my subscription to the New York Times. I don’t know why anybody thinks she is anything but a shill for the right wing. She assumes the truly evil, Cheney, Rumsfeld, are clumsy politicians and clumsy politicians are truly evil. Funny that.


“Maureen Dowd Defends Column About Beau Biden’s Dying Wish.”

Written after her bad trip to Colorado:

“I strained to remember where I was or even what I was wearing, touching my green corduroy jeans and staring at the exposed-brick wall. As my paranoia deepened, I became convinced that I had died and no one was telling me.”

It’s her credibility that died.

Long ago.


As a general statement, Maureen Dowd is a creepy nasty vaguely human bitch.

I’m sure she has some good qualities though. I’ve heard that she doesn’t routinely swerve her car to kill small fury animals, so that’s something, right?


So her defense is, it wasn’t at his bedside, it was at a table?

The sooner this harridan goes away the better.


Just don’t read the NYT.

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Tap Dance Faster Maureen!
Maybe no one will notice what a useless hack you have become…


Really, Sniffit, the good, gray lady?! Where all the news that fits, they print. Why, bite your tongue! Or your fingers. Or your eyelid…or something.

So Maureen Dowd never thought to correct or clarify what was being reported in her own newspaper, based on a column she wrote, until the public editor confronted her about it?


Yep. Puts the story in a totally different light. I mean, come on, a table and a bed are 2 completely different pieces of furniture!


In other words, the public editor let Ms. Dowd off the hook for a technicality, whilst implicating the news department. Ms. Dowd is still on the hook for her twenty plus years of mean girling Hillary.


Dowd’s nothing but the unpleasant office bad-mouther writ large, and I can’t remember ever reading one of her pieces, but for a long time I did consider the Times an important media outlet. But it became a kind of retirement home for pompous, entitled people who’d long ago concluded that if they thought a thing, that thing was an important insight. This resulted in bad reporting and deeply stupid trend pieces about things like how stylish women are riding bicycles everywhere. It just grew unnecessary. Sad.


MoDo has become emblematic of what has happened to the once great New York Times. RIP.

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To follow:

Maureen Dowd Defends Column About Hillary’s Cankles: It is ‘Accurate.’

Maureen Dowd Defends Column About Hillary’s Cackles: It is ‘Accurate.’

Maureen Dowd Defends Column About Hillary’s Hair Dont’s: It is ‘Accurate.’

Maureen Dowd Defends Column About Hillary’s Flat Vowels: It is ‘Accurate.’


Perhaps the Times might wish to ask Ms. Dowd why they pay her big bucks to write columns, nearly half of which in 2015 have been anti-Bill, anti-Hillary or both…I’'d prefer Bernie over Hillary but Maureen’s bitter animus towards the Clintons is on near constant display in her columns and for reasons I cannot fathom, seem to be mirrored this year by the Times itself.