Discussion: Matt Whitaker To Testify Publicly In Front Of House Judiciary Next Month

Pls, Pls, spend an hour asking for details about the large-man toilet scam.
Season 12 of Game of Thrones…


Awesome. I think I’ll clear my calendar so that I can watch the hearing and watch him spiral downward.


Matt Whitaker To Proclaim In Front Of House Judiciary Next Month: ‘I’m Employable!’; Will Beg For Job, Anywhere

Outed as a sham lawyer and tainted as a common fraudster, the acting Attorney General is looking to the future


from behind the curtain …

Jim Jordan was heard to whisper …

" Hey Doug … ask him how much he can lift ! "

" Niiice ! "


I expect him to show his true colors and either step down, and then decline to appear, or claim some scheduling conflict at the last minute.

The only way they get this grifter to testify is if the send the Sargent at arms to arrest him, and forcibly bring him. Nothing good can come to this grifter in being dragged before congress.


I predict he’ll show. But he’ll assert executive privilege to just about any question of any substance or consequence.


You misspelled Gym’s name.


At least has a day job to go back to?


Only if he’s willing to bring in a demonstration model. Wouldn’t that be a stitch. His testimony would basically serve as a marketing tool. He’d probably like that too.

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He doesn’t have executive privilege. Only Trump does.

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I hope they grill him about his Rose Bowl performance against University of Washington.

1 reception for 9 yards in a 46-34 game?

Low energy!

Time for a perjury trap?

Hah! That’s Borowitz-level funny. :joy: :+1: :laughing:

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He’ll definitely assert the privilege which is just as well. Time to take that to court and force the administration’s hand. Trump gives up most claims to executive privilege every time he tweets. It works like the 5th, if you talk about it you can’t then claim that it is super duper secret when someone with oversight asks you about it.

Throw them in jail for contempt of congress when they refuse to talk. My guess is Javanka and Jr dont want to camp out in jail.

My clients hold the attorney-client privilege, not me. But if I am called to testify, it is I who assert the privilege on their behalf. So your distinction, though true, makes no difference.