Discussion: Maryland, DC To Sue Trump, Arguing That He's Violating Emolument's Clause

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President Wimpy will gladly reimburse the Treasury at the end of the year, for the…


The RW media will play this as yet another Dem political ploy, when it is anything but. What will it take for the spineless Repub Congress to act for the country?


Easy question: It will take Trump’s numbers to drop to the low 30s. It’s not as if the GOP has any loyalty to anyone beyond their donors and reelection chances.


Oh, goody. This one should go straight to the Supreme Court:

US Constitution, Article III, Section 2

In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction.


Emoluments clause violations? One cross each exit, to the right…


And luckily, the stolen seat will reward his grantor …

Trump’s DOJ already announced ITS decision (no surprise) that he is NOT violating the clause.

So, who defends this suit? Does it go straight to the SCOTUS? I think not. DC Circuit Court will field this first, and DOJ will immediately ask for dismissal based on their existing ruling.

Then it gets interesting.


A collapse of support from the basejobs. And nothing else. And the only thing that will cause that to happen is if most of the right wing media outlets turns against Trump, because their entire perception of reality now comes from there.

And Fox is in a precarious situation right now that parallels the situation of the GOP: the actions necessary to assure short term survival are the exact opposite of what’s necessary to assure long term survival. And in that situation, the short term always wins out.


Much as I like them, I always thought CREW’s suit was a little tenuous, given that their argument for standing was more-or-less a voluntary loss of time and an increased set of expenses… This, however, changes it from a ballgame to a beatdown.


In the new forthcoming lawsuit, the attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C. will charge that Trump is “deeply enmeshed with a legion of foreign and domestic government actors” by maintaining ownership of his businesses, according to the Washington Post. The attorneys general will seek Trump’s financial records in the lawsuit if a judge allows the case to proceed, per the Washington Post.

His financial dealings and history have always been the soft underbelly of this president and his administration and it is the thing that will take him down if nothing else does and he doesn’t die choking on a McNugget. If they can get this suit to a place where he has to turn over his financial records (a BIG if) it will be a shit show that I personally will find a lot more interesting than the current theatrical hearings into he said he said. That is the button that will make Trump scream, fire the entire federal government and quit before he will reveal anything of consequence for a forensic accountant to dig into.


I am looking forward to finding time to review this complaint. On the surface, it sounds like a case that has a credible chance to clear summary judgment and head to discovery.


Monty Python has something for every situation… :smile:

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Yeah, well, I suspect they’ll lose, and the case will be dismissed. I don’t think they can torture standing out of these facts. I’m not sure anyone can.

Why didn’t we get to comment n the Ivanka story?

Since these clowns have stated that their real mission is to get the release of Trump’s tax returns, they’ve already given the game away.

Haven’t they learned anything from Trump’s behavior? Like keep your mouth shut if you have an ulterior motive?

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“This, however, changes it from a ballgame to a beatdown.”

If by this you mean a beatdown on the Trump administration, let us fervently hope so.

So glad this move was made today!

I’m pretty sure there are some smart people in the AGs’ offices who aren’t too worried about their standing. And if no one can assert standing on the Emoluments clause, then we might as well ditch that and the notion that American Presidents* are to represent the American people and not foreign powers, even businesses.

*with some exceptions.

Not likely. The jurisdiction is concurrent, and I cannot recall its having been accepted by them in my lifetime, at least. Now, if they can get another state to join on their side…

28 U.S.C. § 1251
(a) The Supreme Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction of all controversies between two or more States.
(b) The Supreme Court shall have original but not exclusive jurisdiction of:
(1) All actions or proceedings to which ambassadors, other public ministers, consuls, or vice consuls of foreign states are parties;
(2) All controversies between the United States and a State;
(3) All actions or proceedings by a State against the citizens of another State or against aliens. [emphasis added]