Discussion: Markets Slide As Trump Prepares To Hit All Chinese Imports With Tariffs

“I’m not doing this for politics…”

Yeah, right.


Slides are fun … sometimes …

until you reach the end …and there’s seismic activity —


I think you are giving him way too much credit for, you know, thinking and stuff. I think this is just fragile narcissist ego/bullying/insecurity needing to “win.”


Please proceed president , Should be a giant hit right before the midterms


“I’m willing to go to 500,”

Let me guess. The remaining .5 billion is Ivanka crap and MAGA hats right?


Posted this on another thread. He’s obsessed with Canadian “dairy air”

The Trudeau government is promising tit for tat on any further tariffs on Canadian goods and services.


It’s a cult.


This has lie written all over it:

Check out D.Dale’s thread for a laugh.


no surprise but dotard is full of shit on soybean pricing trends.


You just assume, as a working assumption that he’s lying, and use adaptive reasoning to modify one’s stance as you find out new information.

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Bleeech…what a blowhard.

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The Dow closed down on Thursday from Wednesday’s record high, but was higher than Monday’s close. And it’s headed back up today. In addition, there is no indication that the tiny swings have anything to do with China tariffs, which have been factored in for weeks. The article makes some excellent points, but the headline and lede are misleading.

He’s setting up the “I’m not to blame” argument for his base. See, prices have been sliding for years, this has nothing to do with Chinese tariffs.


Too bad the Dow can’t support the soybean farmers who are beginning to lose their shirts.

Soybeans profit margins aren’t very large, meaning farmers can quickly go from breaking even to losing money. Analysts said farmers like Parker are right to be worried.

Soybean prices have been falling for the past few years, and “even if US producers can find other international buyers for their new crop later this year, the slump in prices means that farmers’ incomes will be 20% lower,” analysts at Capital Economics said in a recent note.

On June 1, a farmer with 1,000 acres of corn and soybeans expected a $42,000 return. That has dropped to a negative $126,000, according Christopher Hurt, an agricultural economist at Purdue University.

Chinese buyers are canceling orders for U.S. soybeans amid the prospect of higher tariff costs. At the same time, Beijing is encouraging farmers in China to plant more soy, apparently to help make up for any shortfall from the U.S.


Once again I must vent my frustration with our Allies.

What part of trump’s idiocy and NPD has escaped your understanding? Every one has expressed an equal response of tit-for-tat on his tariffs. Which only allows him to continue on with his Dominance Ritual of “I will show you”.

Get your act together and recognize that there is only one way of addressing and mitigating the ongoing damage: present a united approach of five times the size of tariffs upon the US. Put him and his cabal in the corner.

I guarantee you that the despicable republican congress could not withstand the significant pressure that would immediately come from their Paymasters.

This upfront cost will be much less then what the present weak-kneed approach has and will inevitably lead to.

This is a virtual War, and we desperately need our Allies to appreciate this reality and make these difficult decisions.

Freaking help us out!


As someone here observed awhile back, GOP donors could grab McConnell and Ryan by the lapels and effectively put an end to 45’s loony “economics.” It’s causing damage all over the place–why don’t the GOP movers and shakers do anything to stop this? Their bottom line is $$$, no?!!

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I sort of believe him. I think he’s doing it to create volatility in markets that certain insiders can take advantage of. Somehow, Kushner’s financial situation has improved greatly since Trump has started roiling the markets. The Dow, S&P and the Nasdaq are in positive territory now as I write this.

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Damn - how many china-shops is the orange bull going to smash up in the space of ten days?

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You reap what you sow for voting for Fat Nixon in the first place. Cry me a river party over country dumbasses.


With a tariff on everything, the jaguars are happy because they are guaranteed that very soon there will be an almost endless supply of faces to eat.