Discussion: Mark Kirk's Campaign Website Said He Was An Iraq War Vet: He Wasn't

Words matter!!

ā€œserved stateside in the Navy Reserves during the conflictā€ ā€¦ morphs into ā€¦ ā€œIraq War Era veteranā€

Hereā€™s how I play it.

I was in the Coast Guard during both Iraqi and Enduring Freedom, I have the National Defense Ribbonā€¦

I was not sent to Bahrain or anywhere in theater (yes, the Coast Guard does have people deployed) so Iā€™d do not have either campaign ribbons.

Therefore I say I am a veteran (only really when I have to otherwise I just say I was in the Coast Guard) I do not say I am an Afghanistan/Iraq war veteranā€¦ Because in my opinion, Iā€™m not one.


Get on your radios and sound an all points alarm. Block all highways, stop all traffic, and call every law enforcement agency in the state! [on phone] Operator, get me the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Yes, itā€™s an emergency! TRUMP IS COMING!


And just where did the third-party vendor get the information that they used to draft the language?


Yes but - being a politician and liar in the same sentence is redundant. You have to include other world class liars like Obama and Hillary, etc.

Please explain what I think youā€™re saying before I call you an asshole.


Lost her legs, fought her way back, and went on to serve Veteransā€¦

And isnā€™t it a bit late in the game to putting together your website?

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Interesting. My grandfather was assigned to pilot training here in the states during WWII. I always considered him a ā€œWWII Veteranā€ and whether or not he saw combat didnā€™t factor in. He died before I was born so Iā€™m not sure how he referred to himself.

I never liked the 2nd-class treatment of support rules when I was in service. Still makes me chafe, I guess.

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He has the gaul to deliberately fudge the nature of his service running against Tammy Duckworth ā€“ a veteran who lost both legs in Iraq? Just pathetic.


To Kirk: thank you for your service, asshole.

<Trump>She lost her legs. Sheā€™s a loser. Think about it. Am I right? A loser. Iā€™m going to make America win again.</Trump>


ā€œI like people who didnā€™t lose their legs, I hate to tell youā€¦ā€


In general I agree, military service is important and to be commended regardless of where it took place. But the article says Kirk was in the Navy Reserves during the Iraq War. The question in my mind is whether he was on active assignment stateside (called up from the Reserves for some period of time to replace another active service member normally based in the states who was sent over), or was he completing his Navy Reserves training obligation - one weekend a month and two weeks a year. If the first, I thank him for his service, if the second I commend that he was available, while not called to actively serve.

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Party of Trump says: ā€œMark Kirk is the real War Hero in this race, Tammy Duckworth lost her legs, which makes her a loser like John McCain. We like the ones that donā€™t lose their legs or get captured.ā€

Edit: There I go again, commenting before reading the other commentsā€¦looks like @ottnott and @squirreltown beat me to it.


Low hanginā€™ fruit ainā€™t long for these vines. :smile:


Clearly you have a reading comprehension issueā€¦

Because you clearly read only what you wanted to seeā€¦

I am a Vietnan ā€œeraā€ veteran. I have too much respect for those who were in country to call myself a Vietnam veteran.

Once again a member of the Party of Responsibility has shown his colors, yellow, then blames it on the ā€œotherā€ guyā€¦

Well the MSM certainly donā€™t catch them.