That’s frickin’ genius. Oughta take the Orange Chimp right out of his comfort zone.
Will this be like an NBA game? T-shirt and jeans and yelling at the moderator?
What will he be wearing? I’m sure it will have big letters:)
Gladly Ms. Clinton understands that this is a TV reality show with some policy thrown in not the other way around. Making fun of him is the best way to demonstrate that he is an unqualified loser.
I have two things to say about this - go Mark! And you rock, Hillary - John Judis is full of shit. You know exactly what kind of campaign you’re running and from the perspective of someone who was around when Dukakis ran, Hillary is no Mike Dukakis.
At all, John.
Oh, this is rich…
(see what I did there?)
+1 on the assessment of Judis. I find his punditry impressionistic and his analyses dated. Truly can’t understand why Josh gives him front-page editorial space.
trump freaks! cuban chortles. hillary, with the cheshire cat grin.
Cuban is the ideal surrogate for Clinton in a Trumpian 3-ring-circus. He’ll Biden the Orange Chimp’s fat ass (am thinking of how Uncle Joe eviscerated Little Paulie Ryan in their televised round-table).
Frankly ,me neither.
Haven’t seen one thing out of him that I thought was solid.
Let’s hope he doesn’t start the wave. :}
Does this mean Trump will try give a front row seat to Linda Tripp or David Duke as a form of retaliation? You can bet he’ll try something.
Just in case he read threads - hope you’re aware, John, that your excitement about M5Stelle taking over Rome was way premature - she’s in big trouble.
Gennifer Flowers, more likely.
Cuban just needs an Ivanka look-alike sitting in his lap…
hahahahahahahahajahaha O god, if I was younger I’d get a wig and do it myself. hahaha
OMG. This is fabulous.
It’ll be fun watching Trump squirm and turn purple as he tries not to explode.