Li’l Marco is too small to get off the fence, eh?
But I know for a fact for example that Hillary Clinton will not nominate to the Supreme Court someone who views the Supreme Court the way that I do, and that is as an appellate court whose judges are there to act as triers of the law, not triers of fact, who are there to apply and interpret the Constitution as originally intended."
Did he just say that facts shouldn’t be considered in SCOTUS decisions? No wonder he can’t decide if Trump is qualified (don’t worry I do know he does know, but he is a wimpy coward with no moral compass and a spine of jello)
Little Marco: I would rather be a Russian Citizen than live under Hillary. I like The Con Man.
Classic version of a zugzwang for Lil’ Marco…
It is a real pity that most R voters are oblivious to Rubio’s intellectual bankruptcy on this issue…
“Marco, remember, if you don’t endorse Trump and he looses Florida, he will be very annoyed with you ! I will ask the question once more…”
“Well ultimately in our republic the voters decide that. In essence there is no pre-qualification for running for office. It is voters at the ballot box that decide who among us citizens are able to move that,” Rubio said.
and now the question is: “Why is he even running again?”
Little Marco, decisive as ever.
I used to think of Little Marco as just an empty suit. But he’s just a marionette, repeating the same canned lines, over and over.
Only on this issue? I would argue that Rubio is intellectually and morally bankrupt on most every issue.
To form and accurate opinion, Anchor Baby Marco would have needed to spend some real time at his real job.
What was that again, oh yeah, U.S. Senator.
Because he needs a job.
…that, he can stay away from…
“Nope, I can’t say he’s qualified, and I disagree with him on most issues, and you can form your own opinion on his obvious character flaws. But yeah, I’m gonna vote for him, because I love my party more than my country.”
Oh screw them. It’s not a ‘binary’ choice you moron. It’s a choice, period. You can vote for a freakin’ buffoon that has done EVERYTHING to show what a bunch of hypocritical aholes the GOP consists of (values? Please.) and a person with actual policy experience with real plans. INSTEAD you gin up controversies (emails! Benghazi! The Foundation!) which you KNOW are non starters and then try to spin, sanctimoniously I might add, about your ‘binary’ choice. Show some ballz for a change. Vote for COUNTRY. God you make me want to puke.
His picture is next to “weasel” in the dictionary now, but it’s under review as he may not be smart enough to qualify as one.
Poor Marco, he’s the last of that old generation of Cuban’s who thought they could tag along with the white identity politics of the conservative movement and make a name for themselves…then Trump.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha………
Thanks Florida for this nitwit.
Works for me.