Discussion for article #243829
El Rrrrubio lucha El ssCrrrruz a noite.
(cue any music from Ben Hur)
Próximamente a TLC: ¡Bogus latinos batalla a la muerte! ¡Nadie puede detenerlos!
This, to me, was perhaps the most crucial part of the debate. And for once, I agreed with CNN stifling Fiorina from trying to interrupt it, time limits be damned.
Immigration is THE topic for the GOP this year. Trump’s position is well known and not changing. Cruz and Rubio as the #2 and #3 have quite a bit to go back and forth on on this topic.
And I think Rubio shot himself in the foot on it. He finally, after being pushed, admitted that he is for a pathway to citizenship (one that takes over a decade, but still). That is a completely unacceptable position for today’s GOP.
Overall, I think Rubio was the loser tonight. Not that he did bad tactically ore made any big mistakes besides the one I listed above, but because JEB was the getting the spotlight in his tiff with Trump,and Christie didn’t hurt himself (didn’t really help either).
That’s bad news for Rubio. He absolutely has to seal the deal with the Establishment. And, combined with the immigration blunder, and being on the defensive most of the night…I don’t think he did.
The problem for Rubio is the Establishment wants immigration reform but the base is vociferously opposed so he has to find a position that somehow threads the needle between the two. I wish someone called him and Cruz out on support for years of Wet-Food Dry-Foot yet they shout about amnesty which path to citizenship is not.
that, like his bretheren, he is as phony as the day is long. While he struts in his choir-boy robe, he’s as queer as a three-dollar bill; my gay friends will understand the reference.
I wonder? How can anyone be so odious and sleep in the same bed with hisself. While many answers present themselves, only one answer is true:
It was a nice visit to Bullshit mountain , with each and every one of them more disingenuous than the other . So many things to be afraid of so little time. My favorite though was the two Cubans who conveniently forgot the Mariel Boatlift when Castro dumped out the prisons and asylums and let 125,000 hit south Florida . More than a few suspects in that crowd and yet they were welcomed and embraced. I was there . Not much fun
Oh for a real moderator who could ask them and watch them squirm .
Why do the moderators not cut their mics with they want them to shut up and they don’t?
This article really needs an editor. Multiple broken sentences that he, it hurts us.
Call me crazy, but they’re all creepy…
“I have never supported legalization and I don’t intend to support legalization,” Cruz said, referring to citizenship for current undocumented immigrants.
While conservatives will surely continue to jump on Rubio for supporting “amnesty,” Cruz’s admission that he could cost him as well, which could explain Rubio’s grin once Cruz clarified his stance.
I’m puzzled. The quote doesn’t seem to be Cruz admitting he could support amnesty. Was part of the quote left out?
While conservatives will surely continue to jump on Rubio for supporting “amnesty,” Cruz’s admission that he could cost him as well, which could explain Rubio’s grin once Cruz clarified his stance.
Oh, I see it’s gibberish day again. Seems like it was gibberish day just yesterday.
Or maybe we’re supposed to play fill-in-the-blank?
…Cruz’s admission that he ___________ could cost him as well.
O.K., I’ll go first:
…Cruz’'s admission that he’s a smarmy little weasel of a sociopath could cost him as well.