Discussion for article #235280
“Marco Rubio Is The Lipstick, The GOP Is The Pig”
'nuff said!
“the average fox viewer is 68 years old”…this is why we need to ignore fox altogether. They are not viable and the reason they can claim “huge ratings” is because old white people 60 and over do not have a life and fox is their last hold on “their” reality of what America is…or was. Fox is dying just as fast as the republican party.
“…he got a real pretty mouth, ain’t he.”
" Explaining why he wants to deny other Latinos access to the same opportunities his parents had won’t go over well in the Latino “firewall” states. "
Yeah…vilifying Nicaragua and Venezuela yesterday probably won’t go over really big, either. What is the word for a Hispanic Uncle Tom? Uncle Marco?
I keep hearing this, and I’ve said it myself, but did you see Romney’s popular vote totals? He won WAAAY too many votes to be complacent. Yeah, Dems stayed home in 2014 and that is why the GOP won the Senate. They may be dying, but an ambulance must be taking them to the polls to vote. What is our excuse?
On FB today I saw an article, I think from Huffpo by a Democrat saying he would never vote for Hillary because she voted in favor of the war in Iraq. Another woman commented that she is a Wall Street hack, and will never get her vote.
If Democrats behave this way we are the ones who are doomed. Is Hillary perfect? No. She irritates me in so many ways…her phony voice is just one of the less important ways. But if I need an ambulance to vote for the Democrat next time I’ll still be there. The consequences are too great.
So please stop writing about the “death of the Republican Party”. It will only die if Democrats, in the interest of “purity” stab themselves in the heart. As in Good-bye Affordable Health Care, Social Security, Medicare, Veterans Health Benefits, help for students, and all vestiges of Separation of Church &State; Hello even MORE partisan SCOTUS, more Wars, and an even greater financial divide.
Edit to add: BTW, I am 67 years old. I have a life; I deliver Meals on Wheels to people less fortunate than I, and I am a Yellow Dog Democrat and am proud of it! (I do realize that a lot of demented oldies who are just pissed off at the world because of people getting “stuff” are old farts. Lol)
Methinks your paint brush is a tad too wide.
I’m rapidly approaching my 66th birthday. I’m retired BUT I am no Fox watcher (excepting when baseball is broadcast locally.). Not all white men in their 60’s and older are frightened scaredycats dependent on Fox for their daily ration of fear and loathing
LJ-- I think you’d be surprised at the average age of posters here.
I’ve wondered what the average age of TPM posters is.
I can’t tell where the lipstick stops and the pig begins.
Hey, not all old white people are Republicans! I’m 64 and have voted straight Democratic all my life (except when I voted for Ford in 1976). Plus, I don’t watch Fox TV.
My new slogan is “Democrats - Vote Twice! Once in 2016 and again in 2018”. Thinking about getting bumper stickers written up.
To echo some others, please do not assume all white folks over 60 are Foxbots. I am 66, a life long Democrat who does not EVER watch Fox News. My take on the bitterness that is most baby boomers is that life did not turn out the way they wanted it too. They got old! How dare life do that to them? Hating others gives them something to feel superior about.
Why…it worked so well for them back in 2008…Why would they stop now?
Rubio is running for VP. He is another loser Republican. Glad he is giving us a shot at the Senate seat though.
Spot on. The Republican Con and Bagger lice have plenty of nits, and they’ve passed along their toxic views to new generations of racists, homophobes, misogynists and assorted Wingnuts. Baggerland and the GOP’s following may indeed shrink in the future, especially if they are forced so far to the right that they fall off the cliff, but one counts them out at his own peril.
I think Jeb Bush may have the best chance at Hispanic/Latino votes - on the GOP side.
Rubio is trying to thread the needle with his “it doesn’t matter where you come from, you can succeed…” talk. I think he’s trying to appeal to people with an immigrant background that he’s with them, without upsetting the GOP base in thinking he sides with them.
I, personally, don’t see the allure of Rubio - he seems very wimpy, scripted, unsure of himself and seems like he’s being told exactly how to act. But apparently he’s very popular and can raise a lot of money. I’m of the opinion that Rubio won’t be the GOP nominee and he is realistically seeking the veep ticket.
At this point this is just an initial assessment on my part. Things can change so quickly in a campaign. We’ll see how far he goes.
Because the problem between the GOP and Latinos isn’t marketing—it’s their policies.
I’d take that a step further – the problem is their attitudes or world views that shape their policies. I believe there are many Latinos who don’t have particularly strong feelings about what immigration policy should be, but do have strong feelings about Republican characterizations of undocumented immigrants. The message from the GOP is that these immigrants, who mostly are coming here to do tough jobs for low pay for the benefit of US business owners and consumers, are lawbreakers here to take from us and can never be real Americans.
This idea that Marco is charismatic makes me laugh. Marco is famous for being the guy FOX news says is famous. Watch his announcement; he’s got the presence of a high school president hoping not to mis-speak. He has no policy chops, no particular past accomplishments, and no demonstration of intellectual capacity or curiosity. Just another Sarah Palin hail Mary play with a not ready for prime time candidate. You think they’d learn.
Sera’ condenado publico!*
*(Public be damned!)
The media has been waiting for a Republican candidate whose vision of America isn’t something found on a black-and-white sitcom from the 1950’s, and at first glance, Marco Rubio seems like that candidate.
Except the GOP is thinking “I Love Lucy” and Markus Rubio doesn’t have the skill set to carry Desi Arnaz’ socks.