Discussion for article #231294
Rubio’s answer is do nothing and hope it works out.
Marco, Marco… You are not too smart to challenge the Pope. Remember what happened to Palin and Limbaugh when they tried to challenge him? They got schooled and scolded by him.
OMG! Rubio is going rogue on the Catholic Church! He’s risking excommunication from his faith and the Republican Party!
Maybe Marco Rubio can explain how our current policy has helped the Cuban people achieve freedom all these years.
I dont know why this gets repeated but Rubio’s parents left Cuba long before Castro took power. To say otherwise is factually incorrect. The article needs to be corrected to reflect that. The following from Wikipedia
In May 1956, the Rubio family would fly to the United States. Castro returned to mount his revolution in December. More than two years would pass before Batista fled on Jan. 1, 1959.
Today is the day we write “finis” to any hope Rubio might ever have had to be a serious candidate for the presidency.
Rubio can’t even keep it straight when it comes to his own family.
A twofer! President Obama AND the Pope vs the wingnut ‘Christians’ Pass the popcorn, and throw in a batch of brownies.
Rubio’s grasp exceeds his reach. And, PR wise, he’s messin’ with the wrong guy. It’s stupid.
Not only is it stupid to mess with the ‘wrong guy’ but honestly, can anyone imagine this two-bit yes-man ACTUALLY running for president?
I can’t.
His ego is too big to not run for president.
Apparently, Rubio has decided that the Presidency isn’t enough. He’s after the papacy.
Sit down, Marco, and have a drink of water.
Pope’s response to Rubio: Take it up with my boss.
His Holiness has over a billion followers, Rubio… not so much.
But please, keep it up Marco. Maybe you can direct the Church to bring democracy to China next? Oh, that’s right, you don’t care about democracy there as long as they keep shipping us cheap goods.
I think the Vatican is NOT a democracy. The pope is an autocrat.
Rubio: He huffed, and he puffed, and he…accomplished…nothing.
Does this prove Rubio is not Catholic?