Discussion: Marco Rubio At CPAC: 'I Don't Wanna Be In Politics My Whole Life'

Discussion for article #233750

Please start today…first steps are tough.


“The truth is, Sean, I don’t wanna be in politics my whole life," he said. "I wanna serve my country and do other things.”

Well, as least he’s figured out that he’s not serving the country while he’s in politics. Beyond that, he’s apparently clueless.


“…how come you got to grow up in the greatest country in the world, but we get to live in a a country that’s diminished?”

Follow-up Question: Please describe, with as many supporting facts as possible, how exactly our country has diminished? hint: dumbass conspiracy theories aren’t “facts”.

Marco Rubio … ‘dispicable’

Good. Then drop out of politics now.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step.


Marco Rubio…“thirsty”


Other than some right-wing nuts, the American people don’t want you to be in politics after Saturday.

A grateful nation weeps with relief at the news from Rube.


“The truth is, Sean, I don’t wanna be in politics my whole life," he said. "I wanna serve my country and do other things.”

I see an exciting and fulfilling new career for Marco Rubio in the bottled water sector.

Excuse me!..Reach…Glug, glug, guzzle, guzzle, swallow, swallow…urrrp.

C’mon everybody knows that the today’s youngsters are using their water bottles to sneak vodka into places where they are not allowed to drink!

Two narcissists walk into a TV studio…

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La comunidad latina en todo lado tambien estan feliz con estas noticias de Rubio. Supongo que usted, littlegirlblue, como persona de California, entiende lo que escribo yo siguiente:

Rubio tiene valor como simbolo de la gente latina solamente para la gente anglo-sajon de los Estados Unidos que no tienen familiaridad con la variedad de los hispanos. Una persona cubana de la clase media no es automaticamente la misma como un pobre mejicano trabajando en una finca de agricultura. Mas, todo el mundo (aparte de los viejitos en Miami Beach) saben que el grupo cubano en que Rubio pertenece es un grupo increiblemente diferente (mas conservativo) de la gran mayoria del pueblo latino.


No worry, you won’t be.

I don’t wanna be in politics my whole life

So, gimme a big payday now so I don’t have to do the long, slow grift in the Senate.

We need the MSM to step up and declare that Rubio admits he is NOT serving his country as a politician. I know, it will never happen.