Discussion: Many Baffled By Kim Jong Un's 'Dotard' Insult To Trump In Unusual Statement

Many are “baffled”? I’m not sure why. The North Koreans seem to have a reasonably accurate understanding of the situation in the U.S. White House. Although, their suggestion that they can “tame” him seems like a bit of hyperbole… I mean, if that part were easy, we’d have done it, ourselves; it’s not like John Kelly lacks motivation.


Well, I think dotard is the nearly perfect word to describe Trump. I am impressed with the translator’s skills.


I don’t like what is transpiring between NK and us, but I suspect Kim Jong Un is achieving his goal of demonstrating in full public view what many foreign leaders have already grasped, and that is, Trump is confused about most things, and his practice of bellowing and threatening is mostly bluster without the bravado required to follow through. That is, in the moment venting that doesn’t lead to much.


Actually it’s an inadvertent two-fer, because Trump’s just in it for the “dough”.


There’s nothing baffling about it. It’s brilliant.

Dotard Trump = Donald Trump

This is way above the usual level of translation, it’s an instant meme.


Most confused were tRumps supporters, dotards and all…


More Americans should expand their vocabularies. Words are fun!


Remember this bit of real life acting like performance art: Elizabeth Warren, during the campaign warned both about Trump’s thin skin making him easily provoked, and about his impulsive twitter habits.

He immediately tweeted something snide about Pocahontas! Not realizing he was proving her point.


the North Koreans recognized the evolution of tRUmp from the “re” stage to the “doh” stage, very observant

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The NoKos are good(notorious?) at this.

Never one to shy from misogyny and racism, North Korea has called former president Barack Obama a “wicked black monkey”, while the dress sense of Mr Kim and Mr Trump’s common enemy, Hillary Clinton, has been mocked as resembling both a “primary schoolgirl” and “a pensioner gone shopping”.
But it perhaps reserved its most colourful insults for former South Korean President Park Geun-hye, known for her hardline stance against the North and popularly known as “the bitch” in Pyongyang.

Ms Park was not best pleased about the labels

Revealing its penchant for animal-themed comparisons, North Korea has over the years called her “an ugly female bat-disgrace”, “matchless dragon lady”, “a tailless crazy old bitch”, and an “old cat groaning in her sickbed”.


Many Americans are “baffled” by the use of a common ENGLISH word “dotard”.

That is because we don’t speak English. We speak American.

As George Bernard Shaw said: “England and America are two countries separated by a common language”


Dotage is more commonly used.


I doubt that Trump is in it for the “dough.” He seems to be in it to be the center of attention of the largest group possible. He is a malignant narcissist, and all his life has had more money than he needed.

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And I’m assuming that North Korea sends students to American colleges, too. Maybe that’s next on Trump’s list of useless tantrums.

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Why are people baffled? The word is in the dictionary and is an accurate description our hobbit-handed traitor.

Oh wait, I get it, the word isn’t common on the reality TV shows so many Americans love. Kim Jong Un is talking like a coastal elitist!


You are quite right.

But I would still be wiling to bet that presenting MAGA-morons with this form would only result in a miniscule increase in the number who know what “dotage” means over those who recognize “dotard”…

Many are baffled, but few care.


Here are some synonyms of the word dotty, almost all of which seem applicable:

Perhaps that’s what he meant.

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