Discussion: Manhattan DA Opens Investigation Into Allegations Against Schneiderman

So Vance whom Schneiderman was investigating will now instead be investigating Schneiderman. I see vengeance here.

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What a mess! Caused, in part (but only in part) because Schneiderman and others of his generation–not to mention earlier generations–thought that they could be liberals/progressives and that how they behaved in private would never come back to hurt them.

I just hope that the lesson we learn is that people have to treat other people decently–whether male, female, black, white, brown, Asian or whatever. I fear, however, that what we learn will be in the form of backlash against those who resist ill-treatment or even outright bigotry.

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Glad he resigned, but why are Trump and Greitens still in office? No, both parties ARE NOT the same.


Please oh dear gawd do not let this thread devolve like the Tom Brokaw one…!

On another note, I’m sad that Schneiderman did these things, assuming the allegations are true. He has led some important investigations. I just wish sometimes that people I held in esteem didn’t do crappy things.

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You gotta hand it to that Eric Schneiderman - even after quitting, his office goes right on with opening a brand new investigation into serious misconduct by a public official.