Discussion for article #233609
I suppose the bad news is that the Dems are now in the minority in the Senate. But the good news is that there are a lot fewer “blue dogs” now. A couple of years ago they would have been tripping over each other to out-diss Obama. Manchin is really a Republican, so you have to assume he will split off from the Dems on these issues.
With friends like that, who needs any enemies…?
McConnell will need more than “5 Democrats along with Manchin to defeat an inevitable” veto.
This makes it absolutely clear that the guy is really a Rethug. If he tries to run for re-election, as Senator, he’ll go nowhere. On the Federal level, WVA is totally Red. Maybe this would help him run for Governor again.
Thank goodness there remain a few Senators who are not criminal condoners. The Democratic Party is now the party of full accomodation for criminal behavior. They condone, assist, and enthusiastically promote criminal behavior. This is wrong. Deport illegals. OR is only the first state which will be voting AGAINST giving illegals more amnesty and free stuff.
“If I don’t appear sufficiently racist to the white trash which comprises my electorate, I’m fucking toast.”
OK then.
Well, the Republicans do have that “condoning war criminals” thing going for them.
that is the ONLY reason manchin remains a democrat (and as soon as the gop advances in wv politics, you can be sure he’ll switch parties to save that very lucrative job) – to stymie any and all progressive policies that are offered – esp when it comes to alternative energy. gotta keep digging that coal…
Here is living proof of the Teabagger dogma that Democrats are so hungry for compromise that they have no convictions.
Here’s what Manchin plans to wear during the vote:
Manchin, a coward from a state that makes Indiana look like a paradise.
I can’t stand this tool. Make all the arguments you want about “better than a GOPer would be” but I’d still spit at his feet.
It’s sad to remember how recently West Virginia was actually a Democratic state.
:Was that about the time Toots changed the lyrics to the song? “Almost heaven, West Virginia/scratch JAMAICA”
Are you willing to have your taxes raised to cover the cost of deportation ?
I have a relative that is a Special Agent for ICE and prior to that worked for 8 years as a Border Patrol Agent in Nogales , AZ.
It will cost at least 50 billion to deport them…they are going nowhere.
Get over it.
Manchin sniffs coal dust.
Bullshit. The approach to take is eVerify for all jobs. No job, no food, they will return home.
As to other types of illegals, visa overstays should be tracked and fined. Every country fines visa overstays. We have 4,000,000 of them. We don’t even track them. They should be reporting to ICE/Police/whatever. If a visa overstay was fined $500 and immediately deported, this would be a program which would pay for itself. Many of the 4,000,000 visa overstays have excellent jobs, which they have stolen from American workers. We were just in Europe, in many Balkans countries. Every place we went, we needed to show our passport. That should be done here.
The democrats have to many deserters like Manchin in it. That is the biggest reason why they can’t get anything done. The republicans on the other hand, stay united no matter how far right they go.
There are no Democratic Joe Manchins, and there are no Republican Joe Manchins. There are only amphibious toxic slime spewing hagfish Joe Manchins.