Boo F_ckin’ Hoo!
… and fucked!
Yes, he’s very humiliated and ashamed that he got caught.
It pains him that his family was hurt because he got caught harming the country. No care about the country.
He’s very, very sorry, and he promises never to do it again.
Maybe he’s just humiliated and ashamed that he had no access to hair dye while in custody awaiting sentencing.
Humiliated and ashamed??
No Republicans have that gene…especially GOP lawyers.
Manafort’s hair was much grayer and he looked older than in previous courtroom appearances.
Wait until BLOTUS loses access to his hair products and orange make-up.
Fooled us once, numbnuts. True remorse doesn’t keep playing games after the cooperation agreement.
Too bad. So sad.
Well he had fun while it lasted.
The wheelchair gambit eh? I’d bet the farm that if he was a free man he’d be managing without.
If you wanna play, you gotta pay.
… he looked older than in previous courtroom appearances.
Um, duh! He is older than he was in previous courtroom appearances, because they were previous.
This reminds me of a funny bit that I heard a comedian (I can’t recall who) perform many years ago. The gist of it is that he has a friend who shows him a photo of himself. His friend says, “Here’s a photo of me when I was younger.”
Is the judge subject to the con?
I’ll take a page from Popehat and say that I am trying to feel some empathy for what human dignity remains in the burning shambles of Paul Manafort’s life. This certainly is not taking pleasure in “hurting the right people”, as if it should ever feel good to hurt people. It is fundamentally sort of distasteful that a man or woman with a family will likely die away from them in prison.
But we didn’t put you here, Paul. You put you here.
[quote=“kiwi, post:13, topic:85314, full:true”]
The wheelchair gambit eh? I’d bet the farm that if he was a free man he’d be managing without.
[/quote]He’d be strutting around like an ostrich.
My mother gave me these words of wisdom: If you don’t want to feel humiliated and ashamed of stuff, don’t do stuff that might lead to humiliation and shame. That was right after she told me: always tell the truth, because it’s easier to remember.
Another of the many “astonishing yet unsurprising things about the Trump regime” is the sheer concentration of people with one or more disorder on the anti social personality spectrum. Narcissists, sociopath, psychopaths, pathlogical liars, simple misanthropes. They’re just abound.