This has been a tough day to get anything done. The news is just ongoing for hours.
Guess WilmerHale aren’t wartime consiglieres. When going to the mattresses, call in the real criminal lawyers.
I’m retired and it’s still hard to get anything done.
Hey, I’ve been tough on the headline writer before, but for once he/she is perspicuous.
If there’s two words that describe what must have happened to Manafort’s lawyers, it’s
And the prosecutors are just getting WARMED UP.
Looking forward to Friday!
Desperate people do desperate things.
Not only didn’t I get much done, but my worry about what may be about to happen to our country has escalated. Please, Robert Mueller, work your magic before we’re in a war!
I keep hearing that this investigation is going to take a long time, even years.
Ukky and the Meringue seem to be absent on these threads. ~snicker~
Don’t jinx us.
They never show up when evidence is apparent. They only show up on tangential threads to claim “nothing can be proved.”
He’s clearly rattled and it will get worse for him.
“Miller & Chevalier is known for its work specializing in complicated financial crimes.”
Manafort also has Burnham, Quick, & Hyde on retainer.
Didn’t they merge with Ambul, Lance, and Chaser?
This jumped out at me. Two months ago Manafort’s son in law hands over stuff. Hmmm. Makes me wonder what else Mueller & his crew have.
“Yohai met with Justice Department investigators more than two months ago, according to
a CNN report published late Thursday, and gave them information and
Yeah. It’s called Thursday.
And the Saturday morning tweet storm?
He was right, I am tired of the winning. I can’t even keep track of all of the winning. Would y’all please reduce the winning to approximately three hours of winning per workday so I can still function in the office?
His first choice, Howard Fine Howard, was unavailable due to a conflict of interest; they’re representing the pResident.