“Deliberate” is an interesting word. Does it mean the opposite of “liberate?”
If they want to stay late, they think they’re close. Only reason they’d think they’re close is if they’ve been going through the charges one by one and they’re close to the last one.
Or, of course, it could mean some totally other off the wall thing because we have no more information from what little they say than a Roman priest staring at chicken guts.
This would be my speculation also.
It sounds like they are looking carefully at the evidence for each count. That means the jury isn’t hung. It also means they have probably handled most of the charges and think they care finish tonight or tomorrow morning. They want to go home.
Letting the traffic clear
My read, based on a close analysis of their schedule so far and interactions with the court: This is the most chill jury of all time.
Agree with all of the above. They aren’t talking about Trump tweets or Rick Gates’ credibility or Mueller. They’ve got a rhythm and they know how long it takes to get through each count and the evidence related to it.
Or not.
I’ve served on seven juries (that’s the plight of a civil servant in a government town) and the two times we asked to stay late it was because we were very close to wrapping things up – meaning the vote was decided and we wanted to make sure we had properly filled out the paperwork in response to each charge before we notified the bailiff we were done so we could go home that evening and not have to return the next day.
Isis is taking note of this while looking at the map of Syria.
That was my experience, but they have 18 counts to get through, so maybe they want to fiinish up on count 12, for example.
18 counts with a room full of supporting evidence has to take some time – just to get everything organized prior to walking through that. Assuming that they started at 8:30 AM each day (with 1 hour for lunch)… and based on coverage so far – let’s assume that they need about 2 hours (average) per count.
18 counts @ 2 hours each = 36 hours of deliberation
36 hours divided by 7.5 hours per day = 4.8 days
Days used so far = 3
Wednesday afternoon would be a reasonable expectation – unless they are already leaning one way, at which point, Tuesday (tomorrow) might happen.
Good point. If they’re in the middle of a discussion on a particular item, they might not want to interrupt the train of thought.
They also could have agreed to stay a little later tonight in exchange for cutting out earlier than normal on Friday. Im trying not to read too much into this so I don’t get my hopes up.
It doesn’t necessarily happen that way. Very possible that deliberation on one count can be attributed to another count, too, saving time on a few of them. Discussion on one thing can pick up where discussion on another left off sometimes.
Just as long as we’re clear that there was NO COLLUSSSHUN no matter what the leaking, traitorous angry democrat thugs on Mueller’s witch hunt team say.
You forgot “rigged.”
This really sucks. I’ve been getting no work done, again, as I keep refreshing TPM, PW, and Twitter in rotation constantly, hoping for word. Now there may be a verdict tomorrow, which means I do the same, and then if there’s a verdict, I do the same again for reactions, commentary, analysis, etc. I’ve been trying really hard, but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to not do any work during the entire Trump administration.
The tea leaves say… my cup needs more tea.
I’m going to say something totally original. The suspense is killing me.