Discussion: Manafort Gave 2016 Polling Data To Russian Tied to Intel Services


Did he or didnt he? 2017 or 2016? Why would he share and why would anyone want the polling data after the election

I am sorry TPM your fucking reporting is too damn confusing

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The information was accidentally revealed in a defense filing that was meant to be redacted. The Associated Press was able to review the material because it wasn’t properly blacked out.

Given that he got caught because he was unable to convert a PDF, this is fitting.


Associated Press released this at 6:28 pm before the 9:00 pm PP speech. Reminds me something about messing with a bull and getting the horns.


He would have given the nuclear launch codes if he had managed to get a hold of them.


So, was the the same Manafort connected oligarch that Manafort owed all the money to? The same one that he rhetorically later asked “are we square”? I believe it is and if so… it suggests that the private info that Manafort supplied was of significant value to the Russians. (and it was). But it also implies that the Russians were working a plan and that Manafort (and possibly the greater Trump organization) was aware of the ‘plan’.

This whole ‘collusion puzzle’ is moving from the realm of supposition and into the area of ‘likelihood’ .


Whelp, there’s your collusion.


If Manafort was giving 2016 polling data to the Russians, it was done, without question, with Trump’s knowledge and blessings. Only a matter of time before Guliani says conspiracy isn’t conspiracy


Say it isn’t so!!
Let’s instead call it what it really is: Conspiracy.

Lawyers say Manafort suffers from depression and anxiety

Cry me a river. Seriously. A whole river. Then fill up a lake. I think he’s going to get enough time to accomplish just that. It appears to be a very light penalty given the nature of these treasonous acts.


Drip drippity drip drip. Mr. Trump, sir. You’ve already built your magnificent wall, or should I say walls, and IMHO they’re lookin’ pretty shakey.

“…and the walls, came tumblin’ down! Yeah the walls, came rumblin’ tumblin’…”


What damage could Russia do with a bunch of polling data? . . . oh . . . that . . .




Doesn’t really matter what they. If it was part of an exchange or an attempt to exchange anything of value related to the campaign/election, it’s a federal crime. And note that there’s no dispute anywhere about manafort passing the information over, the only dispute is whether he lied about in (in a material way) to investigators.

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These fukkin mooks weren’t just getting strongarmed into collusion (because mean mister putin had a naughty tape), they were giving it up with both hands. They couldn’t sell us all down the river fast enough. I wouldn’t doubt they gave Russia all our credit card, SS, banking data, and entree to the DowJones, power grid, and our defense systems.